Conference Information
MAS 2015: International Conference on Modeling and Simulation
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Jeju Island, Korea
Viewed: 11369   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Our Conference provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of Modeling and Simulation.

Topics of Conference

The main topics include but will not be limited to: (Excellent surveying works in these areas are welcome, too.)

Ad hoc networks
Algorithms and protocols for energy-efficiency and power control
Analytical Models
Capacity, coverage and connectivity modeling and analysis
Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Reality
Correctness, survivability and reliability evaluation
Data Interfaces for Modeling or Simulations
Data Management and Distribution Issues for Modeling or Simulations
Delay Tolerant Networks
Design Issues, Interaction Designs, Human Comuter Interaction
Design methodologies, tools, prototype and testbeds
Development Environments for Modeling or Simulations
Environmental and Emerging Simulation Challenges
Formal methods for analysis of wireless systems
hardware-software co-design for extreme scale simulations
Integration of wired and wireless systems
Languages and Tools for Modeling or Simulations
Media Convergence
Mirror World Simulation
Mobile applications, system software and algorithms
Mobility modeling and management
Models and protocols for autonomic, or self-networks
Models and protocols for cognitive radio networks
Multi-Agent Based Distributed Simulation,
Multi-resolution Modeling
Network Protocols and Model Repositiories for Modeling or Simulations
Non-functional Properties of Modeling or Simulation
Parallel and distributed simulation of wireless systems
Parallel and Distributed Simulation,
Performance and Validation of Modeling or Simulations
Performance evaluation and modeling
Pervasive computing and emerging models
QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile networks
RF channel modeling and analysis
Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
Semantic Modeling
Sensor and actuator networks
Serious Gaming and Massive Multiplayer Online Games applications
Simulation based Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality Systems
Simulation languages and tools for wireless systems
Theoretical Foundations of Modeling or Simulation
Vehicular ad hoc networks
Visual Interactive Simulation Environments
Web, Grid and cloud based Simulation,
Wireless measurements tools and experiences
Wireless multimedia systems
Wireless network algorithms and protocols
Wireless PANs, LANs
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-07-20
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Related Journals
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Virtual Archaeology ReviewUniversitad Politecnica de Valencia1989-9947
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Computers and Geotechnics5.300Elsevier0266-352X
bINFORMS Journal on Computing2.300INFORMS1091-9856
bACM Transactions on Sensor Networks3.900ACM1550-4859
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cJournal of Symbolic Logic Association for Symbolic Logic0022-4812