Conference Information
ICNFCM 2017: International conference on Nano-materials, Function and Composite Materials
Submission Date:
2016-12-17 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hong Kong, China
Viewed: 9217   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Nanomaterials Synthesis and Characterization

Synthetic Methods for Nanostructures
Characterization of Nanomaterials
Organic, Inorganic, Biomedical and Macromolecular Nanomaterials
Various Nanostructures: Nanoparticle, Nanowire and Nanotube, etc.
Nanostructured ceramics
Nanostructured Thin Films and Coatings
Doped Nanomaterials
Mechanical, Thermal, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Nanomaterials
Modification of Nanomaterials

Multifunctional Composite Materials

Synthesis and characterization of Composite materials
Dielectric, Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric materials
Electrostrictive and Magnetostrictive Materials.
Shape-memory alloy
Theoretical/Modelling/Computer Simulations Of Functional Materials
Nano and mesostructured materials
Carbon and metal oxide based composite materials
Superconducting and magnetic materials
Composites and Polymer Materials

Polymers and Ceramics Materials

Advances in the characterization techniques for polymer and ceramics
Theoretical Studies and Modeling of polymer and ceramics
Biomedical and Cosmetic Applications of polymers
Optoelectronics, sensing, energy and electronic Applications of polymers
Polymer materials from renewable resources
Nanofabrication and Nanopatterning of polymers: Challenges and Innovation
Porous Polymers and ceramics
Electroactive polymers, shape memory polymers, and ionic gels
Advanced Ceramic Materials and Processing for Photonics and Energy
Next Generation Bioceramics and Biocomposites

New Functional Materials

Building materials and New energy materials
Environmental friendly materials
Earthquake materials and design
Smart and intelligent materials
Intelligent materials systems
Polymeric materials and Thin films
Mechanical behavior and fracture
Processing technology for functional materials
Function test and evaluation technology for material analysis
Semi-conductor and Micro-electronic Materials
Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems
Coatings and Surface Engineering
Testing and Evaluation of Materials
Materials Characterization 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-11-20
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