Conference Information
ICUIA 2021: International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications
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Hefei, China
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Call For Papers
As a new generation of sensors and tools are being developed, municipal governments are formulating strategic plans to implement smart communities at different scales and insights and solutions are urgently needed to innovate and manage urban spaces to improve livability and accessibility. The 3rd International Conference on Urban Intelligence and Applications aims to bring together researchers, industry leaders, policy makers, and administrators to discuss emerging technologies and their applications to advance the design and implementation of intelligent utilization and management of city assets and thus contributing in the autonomous, reliable, and efficient operation of modern cities. Technical programs of this conference will encompass plenary talks, technical sessions, tutorials, and exhibitions. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer. Online presentation will be facilitated.

Topics of interest (include but not limited to)

Technology and Infrastructure for Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence and big data analytics for smart communities
    Deep learning and pattern recognition methods for smart communities
    Data visualization and simulation tools
    Advanced networking and intelligent sensors
    Internet of things (IoT) for smart communities
    Cloud, edge, and mobile computing and high-performance computing 

Community and Wellbeing

    Smart home, building, and community
    Healthcare and wellbeing
    Smart grids and energy management
    Urban land management, sustainability, and livability 

Mobility and Transportation

    Autonomous vehicle and management
    Transportation and traffic systems
    Robotics for community services
    Indoor/outdoor navigation and mapping 

Security and Emergency Management

    Security, safety and privacy for smart communities
    Disaster modeling and analysis
    Pollution monitoring and management
    Ethics of ubiquitous sensing and analysis technologies 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-12-05
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