Información de la conferencia
HPSC 2022: IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computingía de Entrega: |
2022-01-15 Extended |
Fecha de Notificación: |
2022-03-01 |
Fecha de Conferencia: |
2022-05-06 |
Ubicación: |
Jinan, China |
Años: |
8 |
Vistas: 20235 Seguidores: 6 Asistentes: 2
Solicitud de Artículos
High performance and smart computing (HPSC) is getting more and more attention due to the rapid development of computing and communication techniques. From national governments and industry players to consumer level demand, interest in high performance and smart computing has emerged from many different stakeholders. As a promising technology, high performance computing is playing an important role not only in traditional computer science domain but also in new branches such as Internet of Things, unmanned vehicles, and topics in artificial intelligent. Smart computing, as another significant aspect, provides solutions for complicated computing problems. The 7th IEEE International Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing (IEEE HPSC 2021) is a research event cooperated with a number of conferences, such as IEEE BigDataSecurity 2021 and IEEE IDS 2021. This conference provides engineers and scientists in computing domain with an academic forum in which the new research achievements, ideas, and results are shared. The state-of-the-art smart computing applications and experiences in cloud computing and smart computing will be represented in this academic event. IEEE HPSC 2020 is the next edition of a series of successful academic events, including HPSC 2020 (Baltimore, USA), HPSC 2015 (New York, USA), HPSC 2016 (New York, USA), HPSC 2017 (Beijing, China), HPSC 2018(Omaha, USA), and HPSC 2019 (Washington DC, USA). High performance smart computing High performance distributed computing Smart digital forensics Smart Big data security, Database security Smart social engineering, insider threats, advance spear phishing Cyber threat intelligence Security and fault tolerance for embedded or ubiquitous systems Smart cloud security Tele-health security Sensor network security Embedded networks and sensor network optimizations Cloud computing and networking models Heterogeneous architecture for cloud computing Dynamic resource sharing algorithm for cloud computing Load balance for cloud computing Cloud-based audio/video streaming techniques MapReduce Visualization Cloud-based real-time multimedia techniques Mobile cloud computing Green cloud computing Quality of Service (QoS) improvements techniques Case studies for various applications Cyber Security in emergent technologies, infrastructures and applications
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2022-01-09
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Revistas Relacionadas
CCF | Nombre Completo | Factor de Impacto | Editor | ISSN |
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | 0.800 | Hindawi | 1687-5591 | |
Computers and Geotechnics | 5.300 | Elsevier | 0266-352X | |
c | Computer Communications | 4.500 | Elsevier | 0140-3664 |
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | 0.500 | IEEE | 1058-6180 | |
Biometric Technology Today | Elsevier | 0969-4765 | ||
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 4.400 | Elsevier | 0378-4754 | |
IEICE Transactions on Communications | IEICE | |||
APL Photonics | 5.400 | American Institute of Physics | 2378-0967 | |
Journal of Classification | 1.800 | Springer | 0176-4268 | |
IEEE Letters of the Computer Society | IEEE | 2573-9689 |
Nombre Completo | Factor de Impacto | Editor |
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering | 0.800 | Hindawi |
Computers and Geotechnics | 5.300 | Elsevier |
Computer Communications | 4.500 | Elsevier |
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | 0.500 | IEEE |
Biometric Technology Today | Elsevier | |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation | 4.400 | Elsevier |
IEICE Transactions on Communications | IEICE | |
APL Photonics | 5.400 | American Institute of Physics |
Journal of Classification | 1.800 | Springer |
IEEE Letters of the Computer Society | IEEE |