ICOT 2015: International Conference on Orange Technologies
2015-10-12 Extended
Hong Kong, China
閲覧: 14180   追跡: 0   出席: 0

The 3rd ICOT will be held in Hong Kong, known as the pearl of the orient, on 19 – 22 December 2015. The ICOT2015 aims to continuously promote the related research, developments and applications of orange technology. Authors are encouraged to submit original papers on but not limited to the following topics:

Health Technology

    Biomedical Engineering and Applications
    Information Technology in Biomedicine
    Medical Imaging Processing
    fMRI-Based Neuro-Computing
    Biomedical Sensors, Transducers, and BioMEMS
    Biomedical Circuits and Systems
    Intelligent Health Instrumentation
    Rehabilitation Technology
    Telehealth and Telecare
    Assistive Technology and Senior Companion Robot
    Smart Living for Elderly and Children Care
    Body-Mind Fitness Care

Happiness Technology and Index

    Affective Computing for Happiness Detection
    Long-Term Positive Emotion Detection
    Smiling Faces and Laughter Detection
    Happiness Detection from Psychological/Physiological Bio-Signals
    System Design for Happiness Promotion
    Theory and Measurement of Gross National Happiness (GNH) Index
    Cultural Difference and Cross National Comparison in GNH
    National Policy Making and Strategies for Enhancing GNH

Warming Care Technology

    Information Technology in Health and Mental Care
    Friendly and Affordable Human-Machine Interface for Senior and Children Care
    Cloud Health and Mental Care Services
最終更新 Dou Sun 2015-10-04
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Journal of Decision SystemsTaylor & Francis1246-0125
Biologically Inspired Cognitive ArchitecturesElsevier2212-683X
Algorithms for Molecular Biology1.500Springer1748-7188
IET Computers and Digital Techniques0.484IET1751-8601
Journal of Biomedical Semantics1.600Springer2041-1480
bEmpirical Software Engineering3.500Springer1382-3256
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce2.000Taylor & Francis1091-9392
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology2.800John Wiley & Sons2330-1643
Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing1.700Now Publishers Inc.1932-8346
GPS Solutions4.500Springer1080-5370