Conference Information
ICCEBE 2015: International Conference on Computer, Electronics, and Biomedical Engineering
Submission Date:
2015-10-03 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Dubai, UAE
Viewed: 10816   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The proposed conference will be held at Islamic Azad University, Academic City, Dubai, UAE From October 14-16, 2015 which aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital applications.

The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:

**Computer Engineering
Face Recognition and High-Resolution Imaging	
Object Detection, Recognition and Categorization
Adaptive Signal Processing	
Parallel Programming & Processing
Coding and Modulation	
Mobile IP Networks/ Ad-hoc Networks
Network and Cyber Security	
Data Modeling for Cloud-Based Networks
Artificial Intelligence	
Expert Systems
Image Processing	
Information Security and Cryptography
Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis	
Multimedia Signal Processing
Video Compression and Streaming	
Data Mining for Social Network Analysis
Natural Language Processing	
Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Mobile/ Wireless Network Modeling and Simulation	
Data Compression and Watermarking
Speech Recognition, Analysis and Synthesis	
Energy Minimization in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Data Cleaning and Processing	
Text and Web Mining
Data Mining for Complex Dataset	
Data Mining for Network/Cyber Security
Wireless Network Standard and Protocols	
Digital Right Management and Multimedia Protection
Mobile Management in Wireless Networks	
Mobile Database Access and Design
**Electronics Engineering
Mobile Communication Technology and Wireless Sensor Networks	
Energy Minimization in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks	
Wireless System Architecture
Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX B3G/ 4G Wireless Networks	
Wireless Local Area Networks
Low power Signal Processing	
Fiber Optics and Fiber Devices
Circuit and Electronics	
System On Chips and Network on Chips
High Performance VLSI Systems	
Micro/Nano Systems and Networks
Laser Technology and its Applications	
Computer Architecture for Intelligent Machines
Radio Frequency Integrated System	
Power Electronics
Modeling, Simulation, Systems, and Controls	
ECG Analysis Software
**Biomedical Engineering
Biochemical Engineering and Applications	
Biomedical Electronics
Biometric and Pattern Recognition	
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Nanotechnology for Biomedical Applications	
Bionics and Biological Cybernetics
Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging	
Biomedical Signal Processing
Brain-Computer Interfacing and Human–Computer Interfacing	
Bioinstrumentation: Sensors, Micro, Nano and Wearable Technologies
Computer-Aided Surgery	
Neuro Feedback Therapy
Health Care Information Systems	
Healthcare Information Systems, Telemedicine
Pattern Analysis for Biomedical applications	
Brain Imaging	
Quantitative Electro Encephalography(QEEG)

Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All papers will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.

Best selected papers will be published in one of the following special issues provided that the author do major improvements and extension within the time frame that will be set by the conference and his/her paper is approved by the chief editor:

International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA)
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-09-29
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