姓名: Seclab Hdu
科研机构: Hangzhou Dianzi University
注册时间: 2016-02-22
活跃度: 228
http://seclab.hdu.edu.cn/conference 我是一只文明礼貌的爬虫,爬取的数据用于我们实验室参考,不要封我~ ----好吧,不要爬取太频繁哦:) 孙斗
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | 简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 通知日期 | 会议日期 |
c | ACISP | Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy | 2024-02-19 | 2024-04-08 | 2024-07-15 | ||
c | b1 | WiSec | ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks | 2024-02-08 | 2024-03-22 | 2024-05-27 | |
c | b | b1 | SOUPS | International Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security | 2024-02-08 | 2024-08-11 | |
c | c | a1 | SACMAT | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | 2024-02-05 | 2024-03-25 | 2024-05-15 |
c | b | a2 | PAM | Passive and Active Measurement conference | 2023-10-28 | 2023-12-13 | 2024-03-11 |
c | b | PETS | Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium | 2023-02-28 | 2023-05-01 | 2023-07-10 | |
c | c | b1 | DIMVA | International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment | 2022-03-10 | 2022-05-02 | 2022-06-29 |
c | HotSec | USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security | 2020-06-04 | 2020-06-15 | 2020-08-11 | ||
c | DFRWS | Digital Forensics Research Conference | 2017-10-15 | 2017-12-18 | 2018-03-21 | ||
MM&Sec | ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security | 2012-06-08 | 2012-09-06 |
简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 会议日期 |
ACISP | Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy | 2024-02-19 | 2024-07-15 |
WiSec | ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks | 2024-02-08 | 2024-05-27 |
SOUPS | International Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security | 2024-02-08 | 2024-08-11 |
SACMAT | ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | 2024-02-05 | 2024-05-15 |
PAM | Passive and Active Measurement conference | 2023-10-28 | 2024-03-11 |
PETS | Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium | 2023-02-28 | 2023-07-10 |
DIMVA | International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment | 2022-03-10 | 2022-06-29 |
HotSec | USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security | 2020-06-04 | 2020-08-11 |
DFRWS | Digital Forensics Research Conference | 2017-10-15 | 2018-03-21 |
MM&Sec | ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security | 2012-09-06 |
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | 简称 | 全称 | 会议日期 | 会议地点 |
没有找到数据. |
全称 | 会议日期 | 会议地点 |
没有找到数据. |
CCF | 全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 | ISSN |
a | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | 7.000 | IEEE | 1545-5971 |
全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 |
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | 7.000 | IEEE |
姓名 | 科研机构 | 注册时间 | 活跃度 |
没有找到数据. |
姓名 | 科研机构 | 活跃度 |
没有找到数据. |
职位名称 | 雇主 | 职位地点 |
没有找到数据. |
职位名称 | 雇主 | 职位地点 |
没有找到数据. |
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | 简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 通知日期 | 会议日期 |
没有找到数据. |
简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 会议日期 |
没有找到数据. |
CCF | 全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 | ISSN |
没有找到数据. |
全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 |
没有找到数据. |