a | JMLR | Journal of Machine Learning Research | | Microtome Publishing | 1532-4435 | 22602 |
| | Electronics | 2.600 | MDPI | 2079-9292 | 22569 |
c | DSS | Decision Support Systems | 6.700 | Elsevier | 0167-9236 | 22496 |
b | TKDD | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | 4.000 | ACM | 1556-4681 | 22444 |
b | JAIR | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | | AI Access Foundation, Inc. | 1076-9757 | 22431 |
| | IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications | 1.700 | IEEE | 0272-1716 | 22392 |
b | IS | Information Systems | 3.000 | Elsevier | 0306-4379 | 22365 |
b | JCST | Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 1.200 | Springer | 1000-9000 | 22345 |
b | JSLHR | Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research | 2.200 | ASHA | 1558-9102 | 22305 |
c | TVC | The Visual Computer | 3.000 | Springer | 0178-2789 | 22163 |
c | SPIC | Signal Processing: Image Communication | 3.400 | Elsevier | 0923-5965 | 22145 |
c | TG | IEEE Transactions on Games | 2.300 | IEEE | 2475-1502 | 22138 |
a | TIT | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 2.200 | IEEE | 0018-9448 | 22084 |
c | IJCIA | International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications | | World Scientific | 1469-0268 | 21805 |
c | SPL | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | 3.200 | IEEE | 1070-9908 | 21778 |
b | CAD | Computer-Aided Design | 3.000 | Elsevier | 0010-4485 | 21698 |
b | JASA | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2.100 | Acoustical Society of America | 0001-4966 | 21544 |
b | EJIS | European Journal of Information Systems | 7.300 | Taylor & Francis | 0960-085X | 21507 |
b | KAIS | Knowledge and Information Systems | 2.500 | Springer | 0219-1377 | 21495 |
| | Computers and Electronics in Agriculture | 7.700 | Elsevier | 0168-1699 | 21434 |
c | JVCIR | Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation | 2.600 | Elsevier | 1047-3203 | 21394 |
b | TOSN | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | 3.900 | ACM | 1550-4859 | 21393 |
c | IJIS | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 1098-111X | 21335 |
| SIPIJ | Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal | | AIRCC | 2229-3922 | 21286 |
c | | Soft Computing | 3.100 | Springer | 1432-7643 | 21148 |
c | IJSEKE | International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | | World Scientific | 0218-1940 | 21123 |
b | JCS | Journal of Computer Security | | IOS Press | 0926-227X | 20993 |
c | JSIS | The Journal of Strategic Information Systems | 8.700 | Elsevier | 0963-8687 | 20890 |
| IC | IEEE Internet Computing Magazine | 3.700 | IEEE | 1089-7801 | 20884 |
a | TOSEM | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology | 6.600 | ACM | 1049-331x | 20842 |