| IJWSC | International Journal on Web Service Computing | | AIRCC | 2230-7702 | 13781 |
| | Design Studies | 3.200 | Elsevier | 0142-694X | 13771 |
| | Environmental Modelling & Software | 4.800 | Elsevier | 1364-8152 | 13768 |
| IJICS | International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems | | AIRCC | 2319-412X | 13753 |
| IJMMS | International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences | 1.000 | Hindawi | 0161-1712 | 13728 |
b | TAP | ACM Transactions on Applied Perception | 1.900 | ACM | 1544-3558 | 13701 |
| JMIS | Journal of Management Information Systems | 7.700 | Myron E. Sharpe | 0742-1222 | 13695 |
c | FUIN | Fundamenta Informaticae | | IOS Press | 0169-2968 | 13685 |
| | Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | 1.700 | Springer | 0923-6082 | 13672 |
b | AAMAS | Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems | 2.000 | Springer | 1387-2532 | 13663 |
| TLT | IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies | 2.900 | IEEE | 1939-1382 | 13662 |
| EE | Journal of Electrical And Electronics Engineering | 2.300 | IJRDO | 2456-6055 | 13615 |
| T-MRB | IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics & Bionics | 3.400 | IEEE | 2576-3202 | 13593 |
| IJITCA | International Journal of Information Technology, Control and Automation | | AIRCC | 1839-6682 | 13579 |
| | ACM SIGMIS Database | | ACM | 0095-0033 | 13559 |
b | FAC | Formal Aspects of Computing | 1.400 | ACM | 0934-5043 | 13520 |
b | RE | Requirements Engineering | 2.100 | Springer | 0947-3602 | 13516 |
| TOMPECS | ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems | 0.700 | ACM | 2376-3639 | 13509 |
| JOCN | Journal of Optical Communications and Networking | 4.000 | OSA Publishing | 1943-0620 | 13505 |
c | DCG | Discrete & Computational Geometry | 0.600 | Springer | 0179-5376 | 13479 |
| | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | | Springer | 1521-1398 | 13479 |
| | Applied Informatics | | Springer | 2196-0089 | 13456 |
| | Virtual Reality | 4.400 | Springer | 1359-4338 | 13442 |
| IJMPICT | International Journal of Managing Public Sector Information and Communication Technologies | | AIRCC | 2230-7958 | 13440 |
c | | Expert Systems | 3.000 | John Wiley & Sons | 1468-0394 | 13434 |
| IJCSEIT | International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology | | AIRCC | 2231-3605 | 13429 |
| | Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International | 0.500 | Springer | 1064-2307 | 13428 |
b | JFP | Journal of Functional Programming | 1.100 | Cambridge University Press | 0956-7968 | 13416 |
| | Sustainable Computing | 3.800 | Elsevier | 2210-5379 | 13402 |
| IJNCAA | International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications | | SDIWC | 2220-9085 | 13398 |