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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 481-510 of 1179 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNViewed
 Advances in Engineering Software4.000Elsevier0965-997813396
 Discrete Mathematics0.700Elsevier0012-365X13395
IJWAMNInternational Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networking AR Publication2347-907813392
 Materials Chemistry and Physics4.300Elsevier0254-058413380
IJRRInternational Journal of Robotics Research7.500SAGE0278-364913378
IJSPTMInternational Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management AIRCC2319-410313370
 International Journal of Speech TechnologySpringer1381-241613366
ACIJAdvanced Computing: An International Journal AIRCC2229-726X13350
IJDSIPInternational Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing AR Publication2347-452113345
cSOCAService Oriented Computing and Applications1.800Springer1863-238613344
WCLIEEE Wireless Communications Letters4.600IEEE2162-233713335
IJESAInternational Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications AIRCC1839-517113332
IJCSDFInternational Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics SDIWC2305-001213321
 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing4.600IEEE1053-587X13284
cJCOMPLEXITYJournal of Complexity1.800Elsevier0885-064X13278
IJDIWCInternational Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications SDIWC2225-658X13251
 Journal of Network and Systems Management4.100Springer1064-757013242
c Theory of Computing Systems0.600Springer1432-435013236
IJCASInternational Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems2.500Springer1598-644613229
JOLAJournal of Library Automation American Library Association0022-224013214
IJAREEEInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering AR Publication0000-000013203
c IET Signal Processing1.100IET1751-967513201
 Computational Economics1.900Springer0927-709913198
 Computational Optimization and Applications1.600Springer0926-600313198
 Telecommunication Systems1.700Springer1018-486413194
COMSTIEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials34.40IEEE2373-745X13192
 Automatic Control and Computer Sciences0.600Springer0146-411613191
JCNCJournal of Computer Networks and Communications2.000Hindawi2090-714113190
cCLSRComputer Law and Security Review3.300Elsevier0267-364913176
 SIGMOD Record ACM0163-580813162
Displaying 481-510 of 1179 results.
Full NameImpact FactorViewed
Advances in Engineering Software4.00013396
Discrete Mathematics0.70013395
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networking 13392
Materials Chemistry and Physics4.30013380
International Journal of Robotics Research7.50013378
International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management 13370
International Journal of Speech Technology13366
Advanced Computing: An International Journal 13350
International Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing 13345
Service Oriented Computing and Applications1.80013344
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters4.60013335
International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications 13332
International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics 13321
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing4.60013284
Journal of Complexity1.80013278
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications 13251
Journal of Network and Systems Management4.10013242
Theory of Computing Systems0.60013236
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems2.50013229
Journal of Library Automation 13214
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering 13203
IET Signal Processing1.10013201
Computational Economics1.90013198
Computational Optimization and Applications1.60013198
Telecommunication Systems1.70013194
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials34.4013192
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences0.60013191
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications2.00013190
Computer Law and Security Review3.30013176
SIGMOD Record 13162