| | Advances in Engineering Software | 4.000 | Elsevier | 0965-9978 | 13396 |
| | Discrete Mathematics | 0.700 | Elsevier | 0012-365X | 13395 |
| IJWAMN | International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networking | | AR Publication | 2347-9078 | 13392 |
| | Materials Chemistry and Physics | 4.300 | Elsevier | 0254-0584 | 13380 |
| IJRR | International Journal of Robotics Research | 7.500 | SAGE | 0278-3649 | 13378 |
| IJSPTM | International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management | | AIRCC | 2319-4103 | 13370 |
| | International Journal of Speech Technology | | Springer | 1381-2416 | 13366 |
| ACIJ | Advanced Computing: An International Journal | | AIRCC | 2229-726X | 13350 |
| IJDSIP | International Journal of Digital Signal and Image Processing | | AR Publication | 2347-4521 | 13345 |
c | SOCA | Service Oriented Computing and Applications | 1.800 | Springer | 1863-2386 | 13344 |
| WCL | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters | 4.600 | IEEE | 2162-2337 | 13335 |
| IJESA | International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications | | AIRCC | 1839-5171 | 13332 |
| IJCSDF | International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics | | SDIWC | 2305-0012 | 13321 |
| | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | 4.600 | IEEE | 1053-587X | 13284 |
c | JCOMPLEXITY | Journal of Complexity | 1.800 | Elsevier | 0885-064X | 13278 |
| IJDIWC | International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications | | SDIWC | 2225-658X | 13251 |
| | Journal of Network and Systems Management | 4.100 | Springer | 1064-7570 | 13242 |
c | | Theory of Computing Systems | 0.600 | Springer | 1432-4350 | 13236 |
| IJCAS | International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems | 2.500 | Springer | 1598-6446 | 13229 |
| JOLA | Journal of Library Automation | | American Library Association | 0022-2240 | 13214 |
| IJAREEE | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | | AR Publication | 0000-0000 | 13203 |
c | | IET Signal Processing | 1.100 | IET | 1751-9675 | 13201 |
| | Computational Economics | 1.900 | Springer | 0927-7099 | 13198 |
| | Computational Optimization and Applications | 1.600 | Springer | 0926-6003 | 13198 |
| | Telecommunication Systems | 1.700 | Springer | 1018-4864 | 13194 |
| COMST | IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials | 34.40 | IEEE | 2373-745X | 13192 |
| | Automatic Control and Computer Sciences | 0.600 | Springer | 0146-4116 | 13191 |
| JCNC | Journal of Computer Networks and Communications | 2.000 | Hindawi | 2090-7141 | 13190 |
c | CLSR | Computer Law and Security Review | 3.300 | Elsevier | 0267-3649 | 13176 |
| | SIGMOD Record | | ACM | 0163-5808 | 13162 |