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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 271-300 of 1179 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNViewed
 Telematics and Informatics7.600Elsevier0736-585317031
bJSCJournal of Symbolic Computation0.600Elsevier0747-717117017
cBITBehaviour & Information Technology2.900Taylor & Francis0144-929X17000
TSASACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems1.900ACM2374-035316969
bFCSFrontiers of Computer Science3.400Springer2095-222816952
 Computers in Biology and Medicine7.000Elsevier0010-482516943
c Computational Intelligence1.800John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1467-864016895
 IET Control Theory & Applications2.200IET1751-864416873
 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering6.900Elsevier0045-782516856
 ISA Transactions6.300Elsevier0019-057816846
ISTRInformation Security Technical ReportElsevier1363-412716791
 Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems1.700IOS Press1064-124616764
TALLIPACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing1.800ACM2375-469916759
 Big Data Research3.500Elsevier2214-579616749
aTOGACM Transactions on Graphics7.800ACM0730-030116748
JWCNEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking2.300Springer1687-149916725
aTOCHIACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction4.800ACM1073-051616658
JECEJournal of Electrical and Computer Engineering1.200Hindawi2090-014716651
 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence1.200Springer1012-244316542
JASISTJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology2.800John Wiley & Sons2330-164316532
 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing7.900Elsevier0888-327016512
 Digital Communications and Networks7.500Elsevier2352-864816507
CLSRComputer Law & Security Review3.300Elsevier0267-364916504
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence5.300IEEE2471-285X16501
aJACMJournal of the ACM2.300ACM0004-541116469
TACIEEE Transaction on Affective Computing IEEE1949-304516452
 IET Computers and Digital Techniques0.484IET1751-860116430
cIntegrationIntegration, the VLSI Journal2.200Elsevier0167-926016425
CSEIJComputer Science & Engineering: An International Journal AIRCC2231-358316401
Displaying 271-300 of 1179 results.
Full NameImpact FactorViewed
Telematics and Informatics7.60017031
Journal of Symbolic Computation0.60017017
Behaviour & Information Technology2.90017000
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems1.90016969
Frontiers of Computer Science3.40016952
Computers in Biology and Medicine7.00016943
Computational Intelligence1.80016895
IET Control Theory & Applications2.20016873
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering6.90016856
ISA Transactions6.30016846
Information Security Technical Report16791
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems1.70016764
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing1.80016759
Big Data Research3.50016749
ACM Transactions on Graphics7.80016748
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking2.30016725
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction4.80016658
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering1.20016651
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence1.20016542
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology2.80016532
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing7.90016512
Digital Communications and Networks7.50016507
Computer Law & Security Review3.30016504
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence5.30016501
Journal of the ACM2.30016469
IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing 16452
IET Computers and Digital Techniques0.48416430
Integration, the VLSI Journal2.20016425
Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal 16401