ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS)
ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (TSAS) is a scholarly journal that publishes the highest quality papers on all aspects of spatial algorithms and systems and closely related disciplines. It has a multi-disciplinary perspective in that it spans a large number of areas where spatial data is manipulated or visualized (regardless of how it is specified - i.e., geometrically or textually) such as geography, geographic information systems (GIS), geospatial and spatiotemporal databases, spatial and metric indexing, location-based services, web-based spatial applications, geographic information retrieval (GIR), spatial reasoning and mining, security and privacy, as well as the related visual computing areas of computer graphics, computer vision, geometric modeling, and visualization where the spatial, geospatial, and spatiotemporal data is central. It is published on a quarterly basis.

The journal welcomes articles on any of the above topics or closely related disciplines in the context of various computing architectures including parallel and distributed networks of computers, multiprocessing computers, or new mobile devices and sensors. The journal welcomes innovative, high-impact articles on emerging or deployed technologies with solid evaluation or evidence of success on a variety of data. System architecture papers will be considered provided that they are accompanied by an appropriate evaluation. Focused surveys on topics relevant to TSAS that make a contribution to a deep understanding of an important area or subarea of geospatial data handling are encouraged. Concise papers may be submitted as technical notes. Technical comments on published articles are also welcome.The journal is committed to the timely dissemination of research results in the area of spatial algorithms and systems.

Subject areas

Spatial Information Acquisition

    Aerial Imaging and Photogrammetry
    Classification Schemes
    Collection Standards
    Land Surveying and Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
    Measurements and Sampling
    Metadata and Standards
    Positional Accuracy, Consistency, and Data Quality
    Remote Sensing


    Fuzzy Set Theory and Rough Sets
    Data Semantics, including Ontologies
    Raster vs. Vector
    Spatial Information Theory

Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Structures and Algorithms

    Computational Geometry
    Distributed Computation
    External Memory Data Structures
    Geoprocessing and Map Production Algorithms
    Network and Graph Algorithms
    Parallel Computation
    Representation Transformation
    Scale, Generalization, and Aggregation
    Storage, Access Methods, and Indexing

Analysis, Querying, and Integration

    Data Integration
    Spatial Data Mining and Pattern Discovery
    Image Processing and Recognition/Computer Vision Techniques
    Information Retrieval
    Location Allocation
    Network Analysis
    Query Processing and Optimization
    Similarity Search and Approximate Matching
    Statistical and Geostatistical Analysis

Human Computer Interaction and Visualization

    3D Visualization
    Development Environments
    Interface Design
    Map Design and Production
    Query Languages
    Spatiotemporal Data Visualization
    Virtual and Immersive Environments
    Visual and Gesture Languages

Systems and Architectures

    Data Stream Management Systems
    Data Warehouses
    Database Management Systems
    Decision Support Systems
    Digital Libraries
    Distributed, Parallel Systems, and Interoperability
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
    Open Systems
    Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
    Remote Sensing and Multimedia Database Systems
    Sensor Networks and Mobility
    Wireless and Ad hoc Networks


    Earth Sciences, Astronomy
    Emergency and Crisis Management
    Environmental Monitoring
    Global Positioning and Location Detection
    Impact Assessment
    Location-based and Mobile Services
    Medical Imagery and Atlases
    Navigation and Route Planning
    Phenomena Detection and Tracking
    Public Safety and Homeland Security
    Real-time Applications
    Traffic and Transportation
    Urban Planning and Management
    Utilities Management
    Web-based Applications
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-08-10
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