| | Journal of the Franklin Institute | 3.700 | Elsevier | 0016-0032 | 2 |
| | Frontiers in Neurorobotics | 2.600 | Frontiers Media S.A. | 1662-5218 | 2 |
| | Computer Assisted Language Learning | 6.000 | Taylor & Francis | 0958-8221 | 2 |
| | Optical Materials | 3.800 | Elsevier | 0925-3467 | 2 |
| | International Journal of Computing | | Research Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems | 1727-6209 | 2 |
| | Future Internet | 2.800 | MDPI | 1999-5903 | 2 |
| | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | 1.700 | Springer | 1687-6172 | 2 |
| | International Journal of Network Management | 1.500 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1055-7148 | 2 |
| | Robotica | 2.700 | Cambridge University Press | 0263-5747 | 2 |
c | | Computational Visual Media | 17.30 | Springer | 2096-0433 | 2 |
| IJHPCA | International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications | | SAGE | 1094-3420 | 2 |
| | International Journal of Communication Systems | 1.700 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1074-5351 | 2 |
| | Quantum Information and Computation | | Rinton Press, Inc. | 1533-7146 | 2 |
| | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 1.500 | Wiley-Blackwell | 1532-0626 | 2 |
| | Wireless Personal Communications | 1.900 | Springer | 0929-6212 | 2 |
| | Information | | MDPI | 2078-2489 | 2 |
| ACII | Advanced Computational Intelligence: An International Journal | | AIRCC | 2454-3934 | 2 |
| | Electricity | | MDPI | 2673-4826 | 2 |
| | Mathematics | 2.300 | MDPI | 2227-7390 | 2 |
| IEEE IoTM | IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | | IEEE | 2576-3180 | 2 |
c | | IEEE Transactions on Reliability | 5.000 | IEEE | 0018-9529 | 2 |
c | APAL | Annals of Pure and Applied Logic | 0.600 | Elsevier | 0168-0072 | 1 |
c | FUIN | Fundamenta Informaticae | | IOS Press | 0169-2968 | 1 |
c | LISP | Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation | | Springer | 1388-3690 | 1 |
| | Information Technology and Management | 2.300 | Springer | 1385-951X | 1 |
c | CGTA | Computational Geometry: Theory and
Applications | 0.400 | Elsevier | 0925-7721 | 1 |
c | DCG | Discrete & Computational Geometry | 0.600 | Springer | 0179-5376 | 1 |
| IJCGA | International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications | | World Scientific | 0218-1959 | 1 |
c | | Machine Translation | | Springer | 0922-6567 | 1 |
| CSEIJ | Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal | | AIRCC | 2231-3583 | 1 |