CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
CCF省略名完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN追跡
bTGARSIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing7.500IEEE0196-289219
bSPESoftware: Practice and Experience3.200John Wiley & Sons, Ltd1097-024X18
cJBIJournal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier1532-046418
b Designs, Codes and Cryptography1.400Springer0925-102217
 International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence World Scientific0218-001417
cNLENatural Language Engineering2.500Cambridge University Press1351-324917
cPAAPattern Analysis and Applications3.700Springer1433-754117
 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing4.600IEEE1053-587X17
COMSTIEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials34.40IEEE2373-745X17
TCOMIEEE Transactions on Communications7.200IEEE0090-677817
bTECSACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems2.800ACM1539-908716
aTOPLASACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems1.500ACM0164-092516
bFMSDFormal Methods in System Design0.700Springer0925-985616
bIETSIET Software1.500IET1751-880616
bSCPScience of Computer Programming1.500Elsevier0167-642316
bCADComputer-Aided Design3.000Elsevier0010-448516
c Computational Intelligence1.800John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1467-864016
b Evolutionary Computation4.600MIT Press1063-656016
bTFSIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems11.90IEEE1063-6706 16
cJETAIJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence1.700Taylor & Francis0952-813X16
b Bioinformatics4.400Oxford University Press1367-480316
aSICOMPSIAM Journal on Computing SIAM0097-539715
aIANDCInformation and Computation0.800Elsevier0890-540115
cIRInformation Retrieval1.700Springer1386-456415
cI&MInformation & Management8.200Elsevier0378-720615
 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications1.700IEEE0272-171615
cC&GComputers & Graphics2.500Elsevier0097-849315
TETCIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing5.100IEEE2168-675015
cTSUSCIEEE Transactions on Sustainable ComputingIEEE1536-123315
bTRETSACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems3.100ACM1936-740614
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター追跡
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing7.50019
Software: Practice and Experience3.20018
Journal of Biomedical Informatics4.00018
Designs, Codes and Cryptography1.40017
International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence 17
Natural Language Engineering2.50017
Pattern Analysis and Applications3.70017
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing4.60017
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials34.4017
IEEE Transactions on Communications7.20017
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems2.80016
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems1.50016
Formal Methods in System Design0.70016
IET Software1.50016
Science of Computer Programming1.50016
Computer-Aided Design3.00016
Computational Intelligence1.80016
Evolutionary Computation4.60016
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems11.9016
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence1.70016
SIAM Journal on Computing 15
Information and Computation0.80015
Information Retrieval1.70015
Information & Management8.20015
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications1.70015
Computers & Graphics2.50015
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing5.10015
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing15
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems3.10014