Journal Information
ETRI Journal
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

ETRI Journal provides an international, multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of innovative ideas and technology in the fields of information, telecommunications, and electronics. It is published bimonthly in English. The main focus of the journal is to provide an open forum to exchange innovative ideas and technology in the fields of information, telecommunications, and electronics.

Key topics of interest include high-performance computing, multimedia technology, communication networks and services, wireless communications and mobile computing, material and component technology, as well as security.

With an international editorial committee and experts from around the world as reviewers, ETRI Journal publishes high-quality research papers on the latest and best developments from the global community.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

ETRI Journal and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. We seek to work with scholars from a range of institutional affiliations, nationalities, and career stages. The editorial team recognises and encourage submissions from scholars from groups who are under-represented in research. We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in research and publishing from applicants of all ethnicities, races, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins, disabilities, ages, or other individual status.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-21
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