Journal Information
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Call For Papers
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (DAACH) is an on-line, peer-reviewed journal which publishes innovative research, applications and projects related to digital technologies in archaeology and cultural heritage. Scholars can publish 3D digital models of the world's cultural heritage sites, monuments, and palaeoanthropological remains, accompanied by associated academic articles.

The journal aims both to preserve digital cultural heritage models and to provide access to them for the scholarly community to facilitate the academic debate. DAACH offers scholars the opportunity of publishing their models online with full interactivity so that users can explore them at will. It is unique in that its focus is on the application of 3D modeling to cultural heritage. DAACH will provide full peer-review for all 3D models, not just the text, 2D renderings or video fly-throughs, and requires all models to be accompanied by metadata, documentation, and a related article, explaining the history of the subject and its state of preservation, as well as an account of the modeling project itself. The journal focuses on scholarship that either promotes the application of 3D technologies to the fields of archaeology, art and architectural history, and palaeoanthropology or uses 3D technology to make a significant contribution to the study of built structures, works of art or palaeoanthropological remains.

The provision of a 3D model is not compulsory for an article to be published in this journal.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-17
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