Conference Information
SAM IoT 2020: Conference on Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Modeling for the Next Generation Internet of Things
Submission Date:
2020-08-05 Extended
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Call For Papers
SAM IoT is the first virtual Eclipse Conference on Security, Artificial Intelligence, and Modeling for the next generation Internet of Things


The adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) is drastically increasing in every application domain, contributing to the rapid digitalization of contemporary society. Current IoT scenarios are characterized by constantly increasing demands in terms of non-functional requirements, from low latency to high reliability, dependability, and dynamic resources allocation. This paradigm shift, also considered as the next evolutionary phase of IoT, is expected to create numerous opportunities for the technology market supporting applications in multiple areas, i.e. Smart Factories, Smart Cities, Critical Infrastructures, Cooperative Service Robotics, etc. To cope with these demanding requirements, a multitude of novel technologies - such as Edge Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Analytics, Digital Twin, as well as Security, Privacy and Trust schemes – are being investigated in order to be adopted in current IoT architectures standards, identifying efficient integration schemes with proper design patterns. Hence, designing and managing the next generation of IoT-based systems is set to become even more complex.

Call for Papers

The Eclipse SAM IoT conference will bring together industry experts and researchers working on the next generation IoT, especially focussing on Security and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, and Modelling. You will be invited to present your results to participants from the research community, industry and standardisation bodies and to exchange ideas for future joint research activities. We welcome all submissions and do not require projects to be associated with the Eclipse Foundation or its projects. The extended date for submissions is August 5, 2020. Selected papers will be published under the Creative Commons License 4.0 on

Technical topics of interest

Security and Privacy for IoT

    IoT security protocols and architectures
    Anonymization techniques
    Trust and identity management
    Privacy data protection
    Secure discovery and authentication
    Access control for shared data and IoT devices 
    Identification, assessment, and mitigation of cyber-physical threats sam-iot-cfp.pdf
    Challenges, Use Cases, and Solutions for Industry and Society

Artificial Intelligence for IoT

    Intelligent distributed architectures and infrastructures
    Autonomic Computing
    Distributed intelligence and multi- agent systems
    Context-Awareness and Location- Awareness 
    Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches  
    Adaptive Anomaly Detection and Predictive Maintenance
    AI, deep learning for predictive security
    Challenges, Use Cases, and Solutions for Industry and Society

Modelling for IoT

    Modelling Languages and Tools
    Verification & Validation approaches
    Modelling for IoT Devices, Services, and Robotics
    Security & Privacy modelling
    Statistical models checking
    Modelling adaptive IoT systems
    Runtime models
    Challenges, Use Cases, and Solutions  for Industry and Society
Last updated by Susan Iwai in 2020-07-17
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