International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Taylor & Francis
Aims and scope

International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM) reports new research in theory and applications of computer integrated manufacturing. The scope spans mechanical and manufacturing engineering, software and computer engineering as well as automation and control engineering with a particular focus on today’s data driven manufacturing. Terms such as industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing, digital manufacturing and cyber-physical manufacturing systems are now used to identify the area of knowledge that IJCIM has supported and shaped in its history of more than 30 years.

IJCIM continues to grow and has become a key forum for academics and industrial researchers to exchange information and ideas. In response to this interest, IJCIM is now published monthly, enabling the editors to target topical special issues; topics as diverse as digital twins, transdisciplinary engineering, cloud manufacturing, deep learning for manufacturing, service-oriented architectures, dematerialized manufacturing systems, wireless manufacturing and digital enterprise technologies to name a few.

The journal is intended for senior managers and researchers in manufacturing engineering management, industrial engineering, computer science, and systems integration as well as mechanical engineers, automation & control engineers and software engineers intending to benefit from the increasingly connected manufacturing environments.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Senior Editor, and, if suitable, peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees through an international Editorial team and Editor in Chief. All peer reviews are double anonymized with submission online via ScholarOne. 
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-08-11
Applied Sciences2.500MDPI2076-3417
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VLSI DesignHindawi1065-514X
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies2.900IEEE1939-1382
bACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications5.200ACM1551-6857
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence1.200Springer1012-2443
Language Learning & Technology3.800University of Hawaii Press1094-3501
cArtificial Intelligence in Medicine6.100Elsevier0933-3657
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