Journal Information
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Call For Papers
A Journal devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior.

CORTEX is an international journal devoted to the study of cognition and of the relationship between the nervous system and mental processes, particularly as these are reflected in the behaviour of patients with acquired brain lesions, normal volunteers, children with typical and atypical development, and in the activation of brain regions and systems as recorded by functional neuroimaging techniques. It was founded in 1964 by Ennio De Renzi.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
Special Issues
Special Issue on Neurocognitive perspectives on discourse and connected language
Submission Date: 2024-12-31

Aims and scope of the Special Issue One of the most significant challenges for the neuroscience of language has involved moving beyond single words to model connected speech and, more specifically, discourse. Discourse is defined as language beyond a single simple clause used for a specific purpose. The past decade has seen remarkable progress in elucidating the production and comprehension of discourse. This special issue will highlight advances from cognitive and clinical neuroscience in modeling discourse that spans from multi-word utterances to naturalistic stories. We welcome submissions focused on either discourse comprehension (heard, signed, read) or production (spoken, signed, written) with the common denominator of a link to brain structure and/or function. Links can be established through a variety of experimental modalities (e.g., neuropsychological case studies, neuroimaging). Pre-submission enquiries should be sent to the Editors via Guest editors: Dr. Jamie Reilly Temple University, Philadelphia, USA Email: Dr. Brielle Stark Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA Email: Dr. Andrea Martin Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Njimegen, Netherlands Email: Submission instructions Cortex’s submission system will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from 01.07.2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: Neurocognitive perspectives on discourse”. Please submit your manuscript before 31st December 2024. Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript. The Guide for Authors and link to submit your manuscript are available on the Journal’s homepage: Inquiries, including questions about appropriate topics, may be sent electronically to Keywords: Discourse; “Connected speech”; “connected language”; Neuroscience; Cognition
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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