Journal Information
Mobile Media & Communication (MMC)
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Mobile Media & Communication is a peer-reviewed forum for international, interdisciplinary academic research on the dynamic field of mobile media and communication. Mobile Media & Communication draws on a wide and continually renewed range of disciplines, engaging broadly in the concept of mobility itself.

The journal embraces both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of mobility in communication, but above all aims toward state-of-the-art methodology. While the center of gravity lies in social sciences and humanities, the journal is open to research with technical, economic, and design aspects, provided they help to enlighten the social dimensions of mobile communication.

Mobile Media & Communication examines the phenomenon of mobility in communication – that is, what is understood as mobile media and communication, but also emerging phenomena such as mobile and ubiquitous computing. Contributions may include, but are certainly not limited to, explorations of the following topics:

    Mobile communication as an innovation, including the emergence of new usage forms, the negotiation of norms, and symbolic representation by producers and users
    The interrelationship of this nearly ubiquitous technology and the users’ everyday lives 
    The embeddedness of mobile communication within social networks, and the mutual shaping of technology and social structure 
    Local cultures and forms of use of mobile communication 
    Mobile communication in developing countries 
    Cultural differences in mobile communication 
    Mobile communication and gender 
    Specific methodologies that address the mobile character of the phenomenon: ethnography, observation, network analysis, experience sampling, and other still emerging methods 
    Mobile learning and education. 
    Persuasion through mobile media in various domains 
    History of mobile media
    Journalism and mobile media

    Specific methodologies that address the mobile character of the phenomenon: ethnography, observation, network analysis, experience sampling, and other still emerging methods

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Mobile Media & Communication is a peer-reviewed forum for international, interdisciplinary academic research on the dynamic field of mobile media and communication. Mobile Media & Communication draws on a wide and continually renewed range of disciplines, engaging broadly in the concept of mobility itself.

The journal embraces both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the study of mobility in communication, but above all aims toward state-of-the-art methodology. While the center of gravity lies in social sciences and humanities, the journal is open to research with technical, economic, and design aspects, provided they help to enlighten the social dimensions of mobile communication.

Mobile Media & Communication ** examines the phenomenon of mobility in communication – that is, what is understood as mobile media and communication, but also emerging phenomena such as mobile and ubiquitous computing. Contributions may include, but are certainly not limited to, explorations of the following topics:

    Mobile communication as an innovation, including the emergence of new usage forms, the negotiation of norms, and symbolic representation by producers and users
    The interrelationship of this nearly ubiquitous technology and the users’ everyday lives
    The embeddedness of mobile communication within social networks, and the mutual shaping of technology and social structure
    Local cultures and forms of use of mobile communication
    Mobile communication in developing countries
    Cultural differences in mobile communication
    Mobile communication and gender
    Specific methodologies that address the mobile character of the phenomenon: ethnography, observation, network analysis, experience sampling, and other still emerging methods
    Mobile learning and education.
    Persuasion through mobile media in various domains
    History of mobile media
    Journalism and mobile media
    Specific methodologies that address the mobile character of the phenomenon: ethnography, observation, network analysis, experience sampling, and other still emerging methods
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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