Journal Information
Social Science Computer Review (SSCR)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Social Science Computer Review (SSCR) stands as a leader in interdisciplinary academic discourse, exploring the intersection of the social sciences and digital technologies. As a bi-monthly publication, SSCR delves into the multifaceted impacts and applications of digital technologies in social science education, research, and broader societal contexts. Focal areas include, but are not limited to:

    Digital Technologies and Media: Assessing the societal and behavioral impacts of digital technologies and communication platforms, including social media and emerging online communities.

    Information Technologies and Public Policy: Exploring the intersections between information technologies, public administration, and policymaking. 

    Science, Knowledge, and Technology: Analyzing the historical or other contexts of evolving information technologies and policy. 

    AI, Digital Technologies, and Research Methods: Investigating innovations in analyses using AI, computer-assisted survey methodologies, digital qualitative analysis, geographic information systems (GIS), and other online research tools as they relate to the social sciences.

Social Science Computer Review publishes a unique range of scholarship, including:

    Original Research Articles: SSCR is interested in publishing original and rigorous research manuscripts of interest to an interdisciplinary audience.

    Theoretical Innovations: SSCR is interested in publishing original theoretical innovations that apply to more than one discipline.

    Research Reports: SSCR is interested in publishing short pieces that focus on innovative findings that are of interest to an interdisciplinary audience. 

    Symposiums: SSCR is interested in sponsoring special sections devoted to examining issues of current concern to social scientists using and researching digital technologies.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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