Journal Information
Journal of the Association of Information Systems (JAIS)
Impact Factor:
Association for Information Systems
Call For Papers
The Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), the flagship journal of the Association for Information Systems, publishes the highest quality scholarship in the field of information systems. It is inclusive in topics, level and unit of analysis, theory, method and philosophical and research approach, reflecting all aspects of Information Systems globally. The Journal promotes innovative, interesting and rigorously developed conceptual and empirical contributions and encourages theory based multi- or inter-disciplinary research. 

For Authors

    A wide readership, as the journal is freely accessible online by members of AIS (also available pay per view to non-members).
    Relatively short cycle times and short times to publication.
    Developmental reviewing approach, with an editorial board of eminent scholars engaging with authors on promising papers.
    An annual Theory Development Workshop at the International Conference on Information Systems.

Significant Publications

Each year since 2006, the Senior Scholars of AIS have given a Best Paper award to the top papers published in the IS discipline during the previous year.  A list of all AIS papers receiving honors from the AIS Senior Scholars may be found on the Awards and Honors page on the AIS website.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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