Journal Information
Virtual and Physical Prototyping
Impact Factor:
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Please note that Virtual and Physical Prototyping converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 18 (2023). Previous volumes will continue to provide access through a Pay to Read model.

Virtual and Physical Prototyping is online only. We welcome authors to submit supplementary data sets, colour images, animation and videos to publish with your articles to enhance the content experience of the journal.

Virtual and Physical Prototyping provides an international forum for professionals and academics to exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge covering the full range of activities related to the multi-disciplinary area of virtual and rapid prototyping.

The scope of VPP includes:

    Design for additive manufacturing: topological optimisation, lightweight, biomimetic design, functionally graded structures, etc.
    4D printing: smart materials, shape memory polymers/alloys, deployable structures, etc.
    Multi-material printing: 3D printing of multiple metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, etc.
    Hybrid manufacturing: combination of additive and subtractive technologies
    Functional 3D printing: functional design, functional prototyping, etc.

As well as the following topics:

    CAD and 3D data acquisition technologies
    Quality control and AM standards
    Bioprinting and biofabrication
    Concrete printing
    Advancements in additive manufacturing processes
    New process for additive manufacturing
    New material formulations and composite materials
    Processing of materials in additive manufacturing
    Heterogeneous design in additive manufacturing
    Novel applications of additive manufacturing
    Metamaterial 3D printing
    Embedded 3D printed electronics
    Food 3D printing
    Ceramics printing
    Aerogels 3D printing
    Composite materials printing (specific to AM)
    Auxetic structures (specific to AM)
    Recycling of printing materials
    3D printing of photonics, optics, and optoelectronics
    Wood 3D printing
    Postprocessing of additive manufacturing (e.g. heat treatment, HIP, surface treatment)
    Data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence (specific to AM)
    Safety, health issues (specific to AM)
    Nano-, micro- and meso-3D printing
    Alloy design via additive manufacturing
    Smart manufacturing via AM
    Predictive modelling for additive manufacturing
    Nature-inspired designs via AM
    Miscellaneous: e-manufacturing/Internet of things, legal perspectives, economics, social and environmental implications, sustainability, circular economy, case studies, etc. (specific to AM)

All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-01
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