Journal Information
Computational Science and Engineering Software (CSES)
Rational Publication
Call For Papers
Computational Science and Engineering Software journal aims at publishing all aspects of computational based science and engineering techniques which covers advanced computing, data analysis and engineering applications.

The recent advances in computational methods, in modeling of complex system, complicated algorithims, new challenges in scientific and engineering computing have projected this new fast growing multidisciplinary field in shaping future research.

The scope of CSES includes, but not limited to : Advanced numerical computation, modeling, simulation techniques and analysis, mesh generation,  data analysis algorithms and applications, algorithms for engineering, human computer interfaces, inventive computational strategies, artificial intelligence, its applications, computational intelligence, neural networks, fuzzy logic, multidisciplinary design and applications, parallel and distributed computing, performance modeling and optimization, visualization, virtual or augmented reality, cognitive computing and networks, wearable computing, computational finance, model programming in GPUs, web based and service computing, exploitation of new computing environment. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-09-02
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