Conference Information
ICAMMCE 2020: International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering
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Suzhou, China
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Call For Papers
2020 5th International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering (ICAMMCE 2020) aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers, engineers and scientists to present the new advances and research results in the fields of Materials, Mechatronics and Civil Engineering.

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


  Materials Science and Materials Processing Engineering

   Materials of lighting source

  Semi-conductor materials

  Insulating materials

  Electronic materials

  Non-ferrous Metal material

  Iron and Steel


  Micro / Nano Materials


  Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials

  New Functional Materials

  Building Materials and Environmentally Friendly Materials

  New Energy Materials

  Environmental Friendly Materials

  Earthquake Materials and Design


  Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems

  Polymeric Materials

  Thin Films

  Corrosion of Materials and Surface treatment technology


  Mechanical Behavior & Fracture

  Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials

  Research and Development of Composite Materials

  Research and Development of New materials

  New materials, New Technology and New Products


   Electronics Engineering

  3D Semiconductor Device Technology

  Adaptive Signal Processing

  Advanced Electromagnetics

  Artificial Intelligence

(5) MEMS的组件技术
  Component Technology of MEMS

  Compound   Semiconductor Physics and Devices

  Computer Engineering

  Device Electronics for I.C

  Electronics System-Level Based Design

  Electronics   & Nano Electronics

(11)电子 - 医疗电子
  Electronics-Medical Electronics

  Epitaxy and   Light-emitting Diodes

  Fiber Optics   and Fiber Devices

  Giant Area   Microelectronics

  Intelligent   Transportation Systems

  Integrated   Optics

  Medicine and   Biology Applications

  Micro/Nano   Systems and Networks

  Mixed Signal   Circuits

  Mobile   Computing

  Mobile   Robotics

  Multimedia   Services and Technologies

  Networks   Design, Protocols and Management

  Optical   Electronic Devices & Photonics

  Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits

  Signal &   Image Processing

  VLSI Testing   and Design for Testability

3. 建筑设计

    Architecture Design

  Architectural design and its theory

  Mapping and GIS

  Measurement engineering

  Computing mechanics

  Construction Technology

(6)计算机模拟和CAD / CAE
  Computer Simulation and CAD / CAE

  Building technology science

  Urban planning and design

  landscape design

  Building Environment and Equipment Engineering


  Project management

  Quality Engineering Supervision and Control

   Engineering Management

4. 土木工程与施工技术

    Civil Engineering and Construction Technology

  Structural Engineering

  Structural monitoring and control

  Structural repair, transformation and reinforcement

  Structural reliability and durability


  Geological Engineering

  Tunnel, subway and underground facilities

  Earthquake engineering

  Water Supply and Drainage

  Coastal engineering

  Heating, gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning works

  Disaster Prevention and Mitigation


   Mechanical and electrical engineering and construction machinery

  Mechanical manufacturing process and equipment

  Mechanical manufacturing automation

  Mechanical history

  Mechanical science

  Mechanical design

  Tool technology

  Machine tool technology

  Fluid drive and control

  Electronic Science and Engineering

  Industrial Electronics and Automation

  Telecommunications services and applications

6. 其它相关主题
Other related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-12-06
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