Journal Information
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
TODAES is a premier ACM journal in design and automation of electronic systems. It publishes innovative work documenting significant research and development advances on the specification, design, analysis, simulation, testing, and evaluation of electronic systems, emphasizing a computer science/engineering orientation. Design automation for machine learning/AI and machine learning/AI for design automation are very much welcomed.

Topics of interest to TODAES include, but are not limited to:

Architecture- and System-Level Design and Automation

    Specification, modeling, analysis and simulation
    Hardware-software co-design
    Design for in- and near-memory computing

Circuit- and Logic-Level Design and Automation

    Analog/digital design, analysis, and simulation
    Logic, RTL, behavioral synthesis, and FPGA synthesis

Embedded and Cyber-physical System Design and Automation

    Embedded system and reconfigurable system architectures
    Embedded storage and I/O systems
    Real-time, reliable and dependable computing systems

Emerging Technology and Platform based Design and Automation

    New/emerging technologies and CAD applications (e.g., bio/photonic/spintronic/ferroelectric device based computing)
    Quantum computing

Machine Learning for Design Automation and Design Automation for Machine Learning

    Machine learning techniques for design automation
    Accelerator architectures and systems for machine learning applications
    Algorithm and hardware co-design for machine learning

Physical Design and Design for Manufacturability

    Physical design
    Design for manufacturability and yield
    Signal/power integrity

Reliability, Verification and Test

    Robustness and reliability
    Simulation, validation, and formal verification
    Testing and design for testability
    Fault-tolerant computing

Security for Electronic Systems

    Hardware security
    Software security
    Embedded and cross-layer security
    Machine Learning techniques to enhance security

TODAES strives to achieve fast review turnarounds such that the first-round review decisions are made within 60 days on average. It publishes one volume every year. Each volume comprises six issues, which appear bi-monthly. TODAES welcomes the following types of submissions:

    Regular Research Papers
    Designer Notes

Potential authors are encouraged to consult the information for authors for the description of the above article types and detailed submission information. Please use for new submissions, status of papers, assignment of reviewers and reviewing tasks. Please note, if you don't have an account at ACM Manuscript Central, you will need to create an account before you can log in and submit to ACM TODAES.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-10
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