Journal Information
Mathematical Programming Computation
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Mathematical Programming Computation (MPC) publishes original research articles advancing the state of the art of practical computation in Mathematical Optimization and closely related fields.  Authors are required to submit software source code and data along with their manuscripts (while open-source software is encouraged, it is not required).  Where applicable, the review process will aim for verification of reported computational results.  Topics of articles include:

    New algorithmic techniques, with substantial computational testing
    New applications, with substantial computational testing
    Innovative software
    Comparative tests of algorithms
    Modeling environments
    Libraries of problem instances
    Software frameworks or libraries.

Among the specific topics covered in MPC are linear programming, convex optimization, nonlinear optimization, stochastic optimization, integer programming, combinatorial optimization, global optimization, network algorithms, and modeling languages.

MPC accepts manuscript submission from its own editorial board members in cases in which the identities of the associate editor, reviewers, and technical editor handling the manuscript can remain fully confidential.  To be accepted, manuscripts submitted by editorial board members must meet the same quality standards as all other accepted submissions; there is absolutely no special preference or consideration given to such submissions.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-23
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