Conference Information
SPSympo 2017: Signal Processing Symposium
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Conference Date:
Debe, Poland
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Call For Papers
The Signal Processing Symposium SPSympo-2017 will be held in Debe, near to Warsaw, Poland. The main goal of that symposium is to create forum for students and scientists to present their latest research results, new trends in science and technology and exchange ideas during technical and evening sessions.

Signal Processing Symposium idea emerged in 2003 during 12th IEEE-SPIE Symposium on Advanced Electronics, where I organized and chaired the Digital Signal Processing and Radar Signal Processing Session. Two years later upon a decision of The Radiolocation and Digital Signal Processing Students' Research Group and myself, first SPS was organized independently of the SPIE Symposium. Since then, every second year SPS gathers more than 100 participants at each edition. This together with presence of leading young scientists and invited experienced researchers makes the symposium a very successful event.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

−Airborne/Spaceborne Radars
−Algorithms for Real Time Processing
−High Resolution Imaging
−Image Processing and Recognizing
−MIMO Radars/Noise Radar Technology/Passive Radars
−Radar Signal Processing/Radar Systems
−Radio-Communication and Software Defined Radio
−Radar Tomography
−Signal Processing for Medical Applications
−Space Technology
−Traffic Monitoring/Control/Guidance
−Voice Processing and Recognition
−Waveform Design Techniques
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-01-15
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