Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TR)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Certain IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) papers, other than communication items and survey papers, are eligible to be presented at the upcoming IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) or IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). For more information, please see


The IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) publishes fundamental papers on all aspects of Robotics, featuring interdisciplinary approaches from computer science, control systems, electrical engineering, mathematics, mechanical engineering, and other fields. Robots and intelligent machines and systems are critical in areas such as industrial applications; service and personal assistants; surgical operations; space, underwater, and remote exploration; entertainment; safety, search, and rescue; military applications; agriculture applications; and intelligent vehicles. Special emphasis is placed on intelligent machines and systems for unstructured environments, where a significant portion of the environment is unknown and cannot be directly sensed or controlled. 

Examples of topics that fall within the scope of T-RO include:

    Design: mechanisms and actuation; robots with flexible elements; limbed structures; parallel and hybrid mechanisms; robot hands; snake-like and continuum robots; soft robots; modular robots; biomimetic and bioinspired robots; wheeled robots; underwater robots; flying robots; micro/nano robots; performance evaluation and optimization; modeling, identification, calibration
    Sensing and Perception: foundations of sensing and estimation; force and tactile sensing; range, sonar, and inertial Sensing; GPS and odometry; 3-D vision; object recognition; visual servoing; multisensor data fusion
    Manipulation, Interfaces, and Programming: motion and force planning and control for manipulation tasks; contact modeling and manipulation; grasping; cooperative manipulation; mobility and manipulation; haptics; active manipulation for perception; telerobotics; networked robots; robotic systems architectures and programming
    Moving in the Environment: world modelling; simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM); motion planning and obstacle avoidance; modelling and control of legged robots, wheeled mobile robots, robots on rough terrain, underwater robots, aerial robots, and multiple mobile robot systems
    Robots at Work: industrial robotics; space robotics; robotics in agriculture and forestry; robotics in construction; robotics in hazardous applications; robotics in mining; search and rescue robotics; robot surveillance and security; intelligent vehicles; medical robotics and computer-integrated surgery; rehabilitation and healthcare robotics; domestic robotics
    Robots and Humans: humanoids; physical and cognitive human-robot interaction; human-robot augmentation; social and socially assistive robotics; learning from humans; behavior-based systems; AI reasoning methods for robotics; biologically-inspired robotics; evolutionary robotics; neurorobotics; perceptual robotics; roboethics

Papers describing specific current (industrial and beyond) applications are encouraged, provided that the paper convincingly demonstrates that it represents the best current practice, detailed characteristics and performance are included, and it is of general interest.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-07
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