Journal Information
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)
Impact Factor:
Acoustical Society of America
Call For Papers
Since 1929, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) has been the leading source of theoretical and experimental research results in the broad interdisciplinary subject of sound.

The journal serves physical scientists, life scientists, engineers, psychologists, physiologists, architects, musicians, and speech communication specialists.

Subjects include:

    Linear and nonlinear acoustics
    Underwater sound and acoustical oceanography
    Ultrasonics and quantum acoustics
    Architectural and structural acoustics and vibration
    Speech, music, and noise
    Psychology and physiology of hearing
    Engineering acoustics, sound transducers, and measurements
    Bioacoustics, animal bioacoustics, and bioresponse to vibration

All submissions for publication are subject to peer review to determine their suitability for publication. In addition to contributed manuscripts, the journal contains news items of interest to acoustical scientists, book reviews, references to contemporary papers in acoustics, reviews of acoustical patents, and news on the development of standards. Periodically the journal also issues cumulative indexes of published articles.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
Special Issues
Special Issue on Sound Absorption and Diffusion: Modeling, Measurement and Application
Submission Date: 2025-04-30

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) and JASA Express Letters are calling for papers for a joint Special Issue on “Sound Absorption and Diffusion: Modeling, Measurement and Application.” Absorption and diffusion from surfaces are the two main design tools for adjusting the acoustic conditions in a room. As such, the correct modelling and measurement of sound absorption and sound diffusion are of paramount importance in the creation of quality acoustics, which often results from an appropriate combination of absorptive and diffusive surfaces. Surface diffusion is a relatively young subject area, and there are many misconceptions surrounding its application and characterization. While there is greater understanding of the mechanisms of sound absorption, new research has reignited the long-running debate over its measurement and prediction. This Special Issue aims at covering the latest developments in the prediction, measure, quantification, and design of absorptive and diffusing surfaces. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Modeling of absorptive and diffusive surfaces Techniques for the measurement of sound diffusion (diffusion and scattering coefficients) Standardization: challenges and perspectives Techniques for the measurement of sound absorption (absorption and reflection coefficients, surface impedance) In situ vs. standardized characterization methods Low frequency phenomena Use of absorption/scattering coefficients in room acoustics simulations Design of absorptive and diffusive new and metasurfaces If you have any questions about your intended paper, please email the Guest Editors. Submission Deadline Deadline for manuscripts is April 30, 2025 Please note: Accepted papers will be published in the next available regular issue of the selected journal and identified as belonging to this Special Issue. After all papers from both journals have been published for the Special Issue, they will all be listed in a joint online collection on the JASA and JASA Express Letters websites. Guest Editors: Mélanie Nolan Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Email: Ning Xiang* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Email: Peter D’Antonio, USA RPG Acoustical Systems Email:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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