Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (TPWRS) welcomes papers on the education, analysis, operation, planning, and economics of electric generation, transmission, and distribution systems for general industrial, commercial, public, and domestic consumption, including the interaction with multi-energy carriers. The focus of TPWRS is the power system from a systems viewpoint instead of components of the system. It has five (5) key areas within its scope including:

    Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics,
    Power System Dynamic Performance,
    Power System Operations,
    Power System Planning and Implementation,
    Power Engineering Education.

TPWRS’s editorial philosophy is to promote research, innovation, and exchange for the power engineering community. We believe the purpose of paper review and publication is to stimulate further development or applications by others. Therefore, if a paper has adequate contributions, is technically sound, and does not mislead readers, it deserves a chance for publication by TPWRS. We are working to make the review processes as clear and as fair as possible, improving the experiences for both authors and reviewers.

Topics within the journal scope:

Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics

    Power system modelling
    Power system analysis (e.g., load flow formulations and implementation)
    Techno-economic aspects of congestion management and redispatch
    Development of data and scenarios for system expansion
    Transmission and distribution system analysis
    Techno-economic aspects of Risk management
    Reliability and resilience
    Uncertainty and probability
    Stochastic system and optimization applications
    Intelligent system applications
    Computing applications

Power System Dynamic Performance

    Power system dynamic modeling: components and systems
    Power system stability: phenomena, analysis, and techniques
    Power system stability controls: design and applications
    Power system dynamic measurements
    Power system interaction with conventional and renewable generators
    Dynamic security assessment: techniques and applications, risk-based methods

Power System Operations

    Emerging methods for restructured systems
    Transmission system operation and security
    Distribution system operation
    Energy control centers
    Static and dynamic state estimation
    Transmission and distribution system control

Power System Planning & Implementation

    Computational techniques and analytical methods for system planning
    Generation system resource planning
    Transmission system expansion and planning
    Distribution system expansion and planning
    Customer products and services planning and implementation
    Industry restructuring planning
    Integrated and distributed resource planning
    Techno-economic aspects of Integrated resource planning
    Load forecasting, management and aggregation

Power Engineering Education

    New instruction methods (software/internet/laboratory/combined with research)
    Virtual classrooms/laboratories
    Distance education
    Life-long learning

Examples of topics out-of-scope:

    Power quality: harmonics, flicker, voltage dips, voltage sags, etc.
    Protection: all types of protection relays, circuit breakers, fuses, protection coordination, etc.
    Fault current calculations
    Lightning protection
    Fast electromagnetic phenomena excluding inverter-driven power system stability
    Smart sensors, smart meters, AMI infrastructures
    Blockchain technologies
    Rural electrification
    Energy communities
    Platforms for local trading
    Market specific aspects of congestion management and redispatch
    Market specific aspects of risk management
    Policy, socioeconomic and macroeconomic and regulatory aspects of resource planning
    Global power system economics, principles of market organization and cost structure
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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