Conference Information
DS-RT 2024: International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications
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Urbino, Italy
CORE: b   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 20710   Tracked: 5   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
 DS-RT provides an international forum for the discussion and presentation of original ideas, recent results and achievements by researchers, research students, and systems developers on issues and challenges related to distributed simulation and real time applications. Authors are encouraged to submit both theoretical and practical results of significance. Demonstration of new tools/applications is very encouraged.

The scope of the symposium includes, but is not limited to:

    Advanced Paradigms in Large Scale Distributed and Real-Time Simulations: Exploring innovative methodologies and software architectures for extreme scale simulations, including parallel and distributed simulation, multi-agent systems, and hardware-software co-design.
    Large Scale Real-Time Systems and Concurrent Systems Design: Focusing on paradigms, modeling, and architecture for systems with hard and soft real-time constraints, emphasizing the development of robust and efficient environments.
    Innovative Modelling Techniques for Simulation: Delving into advanced modeling approaches, including the reuse of models, development of new modeling languages, agent-based modeling, and spatial modeling and simulation.
    Multi-Level, Multi-Scale, and Multi-Resolution Modeling: Investigating the complexities and challenges in creating simulations that operate across various levels, scales, and resolutions.
    Non-Functional Properties in Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Systems: Addressing key aspects like dependability, reliability, maintainability, safety, security, and quality of service in simulation and real-time systems.
    Theoretical Foundations of Real-Time and Simulation Models: Exploring fundamental concepts such as event systems, causality, space-time models, notions of time, and the coordination of simulators in discrete and continuous systems.
    Large Scale Simulation Studies: Presenting case studies and research in industrial, commercial, ecological, societal, and pervasive computing systems, focusing on large and very large scale applications.
    Performance and Validation in Large Scale Distributed Simulations: Discussing benchmarking, analytical results, and empirical studies to assess the performance and accuracy of large-scale distributed simulations.
    Parallel and Distributed Simulation Algorithms and Methods: Covering synchronization, scheduling, memory management, and load balancing in the context of parallel or distributed simulation.
    Virtual Environments and Mixed Reality Systems in Simulation: Exploring the use of interactive virtual reality, immersive environments, and human communication in simulation-based virtual and mixed reality systems.
    Collaborative Virtual and Augmented Reality: Investigating shared interaction spaces, telepresence systems, and shared workspaces, including 3D video and acoustic reconstruction.
    Serious Gaming and MMOG in Simulation: Addressing applications, architectures, and scalability issues in serious gaming and massive multiplayer online games.
    Human-Computer Interaction in Large Scale DS-RT Systems: Examining design issues, interaction designs, and the challenges raised by large-scale distributed simulation and real-time systems.
    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Simulation: Focusing on the integration and application of AI and machine learning techniques within simulation environments.
    Advances in Digital Twin Paradigms: Exploring the latest developments, applications, and challenges in the field of digital twins, emphasizing their role in bridging the physical and digital worlds.
    Intersection of Digital Twins and machine learning: enhancing predictive modeling, real-time analytics, and decision-making, focusing on on novel algorithms and use-cases
    Role of Digital Twins in applications: enhancing automation, connectivity, and real-time data exchange. Contributions are solicited on implementation challenges and future trends on applications such as Industry 4.0, manifacturing, supply chain, construction, aerospace, logistics, energy sector, healthcare. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-25
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