Conference Information
Performance 2023: International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Chicago, Illinois, USA
CCF: b   CORE: a   QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 27631   Tracked: 67   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The IFIP PERFORMANCE 2023 conference solicits research papers on the design of algorithms, mathematical modeling, simulation and measurement techniques for computer systems or communication networks. We specifically also invite papers reproducing prior results in these areas, when adding to the reproducibility or applicability of the result.  Submit via Email:

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following.

Performance-oriented methodologies including:

    Analytical modelling techniques and model validation
    Anomaly detection, problem diagnosis and troubleshooting
    Capacity planning, resource allocation, routing, scheduling and quality of service
    Experimental design, statistical analysis, simulation
    Game theory, network economics, and platform design
    Machine learning, data mining, graph analysis, optimization
    Performance, scalability, power and reliability analysis
    Stochastic modelling, statistical analysis and simulation
    Sustainability analysis and power management
    Complex networks, sorting and ranking
    System measurement, performance monitoring and forecasting
    Workload characterization and benchmarking

Evaluation techniques, and algorithms for:

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning platforms
    Blockchains and crypto-currency
    Computer architectures and operating systems
    Cyber-physical systems, internet of things, and smart grids
    Data centres, content delivery, cloud computing and virtualization
    High performance computing
    Internet and web services
    Mobile and personal computing systems
    Network architectures, protocols and congestion control
    Network economics and platform design
    Privacy and algorithmic fairness
    Security systems
    Storage systems and data centres
    Social networks, multimedia systems and smart grid
    Virtualization, data centres, distributed and cloud computing, fog and edge computing
    Quantum computing and quantum communication
    Wireless, ad-hoc and cellular networks
Last updated by Andrew Johnson in 2025-01-10
Acceptance Ratio
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