Conference Information
ICHORA 2025: International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications
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Ankara, Turkiye
Viewed: 318   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The congress aims to bring scientists, experts, instructors, non-govermental organizations and private sector representatives together to share and discuss theoretical and practical knowledge in a scientific framework. In addition to cutting edge research paper presentations in human-computer interaction, optimization and robotics areas, the congress serves as a multi-disciplinary platform for discussing current issues in the engineering areas.

All paper submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to conference and readability.

The main topics of the congress are "Human-Computer Interaction", "Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization", "Robotics and Automation", "Machine Learning" and "Signal Processing ". 

A-Human-Computer Interaction
   • Collaboration and Learning
   • Conceptual Design and Planning
   • Context-aware Computing
   • Human-Robot Interaction
   • HCI Theories and Methods
   • Mobile HCI and Automobiles

B-Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
   • Continuous Optimization
   • Discrete Optimization
   • Evolutionary Computation and Control
   • Genetic Algorithms
   • Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis
   • Metaheuristic Algorithm
   • Planning and Scheduling

C-Robotics and Automation
   • Actuators and Sensors
   • Autonomous Systems
   • Cognitive Approach for Robotics
   • Collective and Social Robots
   • Humanoid Robots
   • Medical Imaging Systems
   • Mobile Robots
   • Robot Design, Development and Control
   • Space and Underwater Robots
   • Telerobotics and Teleoperation
   • Weapon and Ammunition Systems

D-Machine Learning
   • AI architectures and applications agents
   • Artificial Intelligence
   • Cognitive Systems
   • Computer vision and image reconstruction
   • Deep/Continual/Adversarial learning
   • Expert systems
   • Grid and Cloud Computing
   • Pattern recognition
   • Quantum Computing
   • Natural Language Processing

E-Signal Processing
   • Adaptive Signal Processing and Control
   • Environmental Monitoring and Control
   • Optimization Problems in Signal Processing
   • Time-frequency Analysis
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-05
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