IoT2C 2024: International Symposium on IoT and Cloud Continuum
Vienna, Austria
閲覧: 353   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Cloud continuum enables a seamless integration of distinct cloud services and models in order to encapsulate the growing adoption of cloud computing by businesses and organizations. The services and capabilities of cloud continuum are unified and supported by advances in communication networks (e.g., 5G network). They offer edge services for IoT devices such as smart sensors that generate large volume of data and that require connectivity with low latency. The objectives are to simplify the integration and development of modern cloud-enabled IoT applications; e.g., share resources, support extreme workload, efficiently process big data and place data and compute power closer to places where they are needed more.

The symposium aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners in order to discuss ideas and share knowledge on various issues related to IoT and cloud continuum.

Topics of the symposium include (but not limited to):

    IoT and cloud continuum models
    Integration and collaboration
    Network models and design
    Software systems and microservices
    Big data processing and management
    AI and machine learning applications

    Network communication protocols
    5G and SDN services
    Fault tolerance and reliability
    Performance evaluation and modelling
    Edge, Fog and IoT continuum
    SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS models
    Ecosystem: IoT, Edge,Fog, Cloud

    QoS in IoT and cloud continuum
    Security, trust and privacy
    Service selection and provisioning
    Continuum benchmarking
    Modelling and simulation
    Business models and standards
    Service level agreements
    Applications and case studies
    Legal and ethical aspects
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-05-12