Conference Information
PPDP 2024: ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
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Milan, Italy
CORE: b   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 17715   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

The PPDP 2024 symposium brings together researchers from the declarative programming communities, including those working in the functional, logic, answer-set, and constraint handling programming paradigms. The goal is to stimulate research in the use of logical formalisms and methods for analyzing, performing, specifying, and reasoning about computations, including mechanisms for concurrency, security, static analysis, and verification.

Submissions are invited on all topics related to declarative programming, from principles to practice, from foundations to applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Language Design: domain-specific languages; interoperability; concurrency, parallelism and distribution; modules; functional languages; reactive languages; languages with objects; languages for quantum computing; languages inspired by biological and chemical computation; metaprogramming.

    Declarative languages in artificial intelligence: logic programming; database languages; knowledge representation languages; probabilistic languages; differentiable languages.

    Implementations: abstract machines; interpreters; compilation; compile-time and run-time optimization; memory management.

    Foundations: types; logical frameworks; monads and effects; semantics.

    Analysis and Transformation: partial evaluation; abstract interpretation; control flow; data flow; information flow; termination analysis; resource analysis; type inference and type checking; verification; validation; debugging; testing.

    Tools and Applications: programming and proof environments; verification tools; case studies in proof assistants or interactive theorem provers; certification; novel applications of declarative programming inside and outside of CS; declarative programming pearls; practical experience reports and industrial application; education.

The PC chairs will be happy to advise on the appropriateness of a topic.

PPDP will take place 9-11 September 2024 at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, co-located with the 34th Int’l Symp. on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2024) within the umbrella of FM 2024
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-25
Acceptance Ratio
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