Conference Information
ICSR 2025: International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse Date: |
2024-12-03 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2025-01-10 |
Conference Date: |
2025-04-27 |
Location: |
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada |
Years: |
22 |
CCF: c CORE: b QUALIS: b1 Viewed: 25442 Tracked: 21 Attend: 8
Call For Papers
The International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR) is a biannual conference in the field of software reuse research and technology. ICSR is a premier event aiming to present the most recent advances and breakthroughs in the area of software reuse and to promote an intensive and continuous exchange among researchers and practitioners. The guiding theme of this edition is AI in support of Intelligent Reuse. We invite submissions on new and innovative research results and industrial experience reports dealing with all aspects of software reuse within the context of the modern software development landscape. Topics include but are not limited to the following. Technical aspects of reuse, including Reuse in/for Quality Assurance (QA) techniques, testing, verification Variability management and software product lines Context-aware modeling for reusable knowledge Reusable system features and interplay between reuse and software variability New language abstractions for software reuse Generative approaches for reuse Open-source reuse and mining strategies in open-source repositories Retrieval effort, economic models and recommendation of reusable assets Reuse of non-code artefacts Architecture-centric reuse approaches Strategies and novel approaches for modularization Reusable approaches including microservices Sustainabile software reuse approaches Quality of reusable assets, quality gates, and technical debt Use of LLM models and tools to support the reuse process AI/ML techiques for smart reuse Development of reusable smart assets Industrial approaches of software reuse in industry and in emerging domains Reuse success stories, failures and lessons learned in industry Reuse obstacles, success factors, and return on Investment (ROI) studies in companies Strategies to increase and reuse large software projects and lessons learned Reuse of safety-critical systems in diverse domains (e.g. automotive, railways) Reuse in emerging domains/paradigms: AI, Quantum Computing, Industry 4.0, Blockchain, Edge Computing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-28
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Related Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
a | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | 1532-4435 | |
International Journal on Digital Libraries | 1.600 | Springer | 1432-5012 | |
Egyptian Informatics Journal | 5.000 | Elsevier | 1110-8665 | |
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | 5.100 | IEEE | 2168-6750 | |
Information Systems Management | 3.000 | Taylor & Francis | 1058-0530 | |
b | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | 3.900 | ACM | 1533-5399 |
b | Computer Networks | 4.400 | Elsevier | 1389-1286 |
International Journal of Speech Technology | Springer | 1381-2416 | ||
Displays | 3.700 | Elsevier | 0141-9382 | |
Artificial Intelligence and Law | 3.100 | Springer | 0924-8463 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | |
International Journal on Digital Libraries | 1.600 | Springer |
Egyptian Informatics Journal | 5.000 | Elsevier |
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | 5.100 | IEEE |
Information Systems Management | 3.000 | Taylor & Francis |
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | 3.900 | ACM |
Computer Networks | 4.400 | Elsevier |
International Journal of Speech Technology | Springer | |
Displays | 3.700 | Elsevier |
Artificial Intelligence and Law | 3.100 | Springer |