Conference Information
IUCC 2024: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Communications
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Chengdu, China
Viewed: 28218   Tracked: 9   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
The technologies of computing and communications have undergone a series of evolutionary innovation over the past decades and improved the quality of human life significantly. Computing and communications in the 21st century faces an ever-increasing number of great challenges and revolutionary development. Ubiquitous Computing and Communications is a revolutionary paradigm that aims to provide pervasive and reliable computing solutions and communication services anytime and anywhere. This emerging technology is built upon the rapid research and development advances in a wide range of key areas including wireless and sensor networks, mobile and distributed computing, embedded systems, agent technologies, autonomic communication, and information security. Ubiquitous Computing and Communications has drawn significant interests from both academia and industry and continues to attract tremendous research efforts due to its promising new business opportunity in information technology and engineering.

The conference offers an important international platform and brings together the scientists, engineers, researchers, and students from academy and industry all over the world to share their latest work, exchange experiences and discuss the state-of-the-art challenges of ubiquitous computing and communications. IUCC-2024 is soliciting original and previously unpublished papers addressing research challenges and advances towards the design, implementation and evaluation of ubiquitous computing and communications technologies, systems and applications. IUCC-2024 follows the tradition of a successful series of conferences that have been held all along the world, in places as Exeter (UK) in 2023, Chongqing (China) in 2022, London (UK) in 2021, Exeter (UK) in 2020, Shenyang (China) in 2019, Melbourne (Australia) in 2018, Guangzhou (China) in 2017, Granada (Spain) in 2016, Liverpool (UK) in 2015, Chengdu (China) in 2014, and Melbourne (Australia) in 2013.

IUCC-2024 is planned to be hosted in Chengdu, China. Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to IUCC-2024. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Scope and Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Ubiquitous Computing

    Autonomic Computing
    Utility Computing
    Cloud Computing
    Mobile Computing
    Real-Time Computing
    Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing
    Energy-Efficient Ubiquitous Computing
    Wearable Computers
    Embedded Computing
    Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Information Visualization
    Modelling and Analysis of Ubiquitous Computing Systems
    Internet Computing
    Ambient Intelligence
    Middleware and Agent Technologies
    Reliable and Trusted Computing
    Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
    Computational Simulation and Analysis
    Computational Science

Track 2: Ubiquitous Communications

    Autonomic Communications
    Computer Networking
    Communication Theory and Protocols
    Wireless Networks
    5G, IoT and SDN
    Cognitive Radio
    Pervasive Embedded Networks
    Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
    Network Middleware
    Enabling Technologies (e.g., Wireless PANs, LANs, Bluetooth)
    Location Systems and Technologys
    Multimedia Communication Systems
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Mobility Management
    Future Networks and Protocols
    Web of Things
    Big Data
    Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
    Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
    Multimedia Signal Processing

Track 3: Ubiquitous System, Services and Applications

    Context-Aware Applications
    Resource Management
    Programming Paradigms for Ubiquitous Computing Applications
    Smart Home
    Pervasive Health
    Ubiquitous Platforms
    Embedded Systems
    E-Commerce and E-Learning
    Multimedia Applications
    Information Security and Privacy
    Security Issues and Protocols
    Key Management, Authentication and Authorization
    Multimedia Information Security
    Forensics and Image Watermarking
    Distributed Sensing, Monitoring and Management Systems
    Wireless Emergency and Security Systems
    Wireless E-healthcare
    Software Engineering
    Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction
    Multidisciplinary Artificial Intelligence

Track 4: Ubiquitous Media and Signal Processing

    Ubiquitous Media Infrastructure
    Ubiquitous Sensor Networks / RFID
    3G and Advanced Communication Techniques
    Ubiquitous Applications
    Ubiquitous Middleware
    Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid
    Signal Processing Theory and Methods
    Signal Processing for Communications and Networking
    Design and Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
    Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing
    Signal Processing Education
    Audio Signal Processing
    Speech and Spoken Language Signal Processing
    Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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