Conference Information
ICIIS 2020: International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems
Submission Date:
2020-08-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Ropar, India
Viewed: 15536   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

To provide the most effective forum to disseminate new knowledge and share expertise among researchers, scientists and engineers in the academia and the industry in a wide spectrum of sub disciplines in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.


Conference scope comprises a wide spectrum of Integrated Engineering sub disciplines, which includes but not limited to -

    Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering
    Signal and Image Processing
    Computer, Embedded and Intelligent Systems and Data Engineering
    Communication and Information Technology
    Control, Robotics and Automation
    Electronics, Instrumentation and Bio-Medical Engineering.

Original contributions are sought in the wide and multi-disciplinary areas of Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering; Signal and Image Processing; Computer,Embedded and Intelligent Systems and Data Engineering; Communication and Information Technology; Control, Robotics and Automation; Electronics, Instrumentation and Bio-Medical Engineering Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Power, Energy and High Voltage Engineering

    Planning, operation and control of power system
    Smart grids and active distribution networks
    Microgrids and standalone power systems
    Power system protection, reliability & resiliency
    Power system education
    Power quality
    Electricity markets and system economics
    New modeling and simulation approaches
    Circuits, systems, control and application of power electronics
    Electrical machines and drives
    Problems of the Power Industry
    Socio-economic impact of electric power system
    Renewable and sustainable energy technologies
    Distributed, embedded & dispersed generation
    Grid integration of new technologies
    Carbon pricing and low-carbon energy policy
    Energy management, policies and regulation
    Impact of high penetration of renewable energy sources
    Electric vehicles and transportation
    Alternative Energy and the Environment
    High voltage testing and diagnosis
    Asset management and condition monitoring
    Lightning protection
    Alternative Insulation materials

Signal and Image Processing

    Audio, Acoustic and Speech Signal Processing
    Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
    Design and Implementation of Signal and Image Processing Systems
    Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing
    Signal Processing for Industrial Applications
    Information Forensics and Security
    Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Signal Processing
    Internet of Things
    Computer Vision for Stereoscopic and Multi-view systems and 3D Processing
    Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing and Geo Science
    Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing
    Signal Processing for Communication Systems and Networking
    Signal Processing for Smart Systems
    Signal Processing for Education
    Signal Processing for the Smart Grid
    Image Segmentation and Analysis
    Computational Imaging
    Image and Video Restoration and Enhancement
    Color, Multi Spectral and Hyper Spectral Imaging
    Deep Learning for Image and Video Processing
    Biometrics, Motion Estimation and Biological Image Processing
    Detection, Recognition and Classification of Images
    Image and Video Compression and Coding
    Image Interpretation and Understanding

Controls, Robotics and Automation

    Control Systems
    Smart Robotics Science and Technology
    Intelligent Robots
    Industry 4.0 Applications
    Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
    Informatics in Control, Automation, and Robotics
    Underwater Robotics
    Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
    Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions

Computer, Embedded and Intelligent Systems and Data Engineering

    Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), expert systems, and evolutionary computing
    Big data analysis
    Computer and data networking
    Cryptography, cryptanalysis, and computer security and privacy
    Data fusion, data mining and knowledge discovery
    Distributed systems and cloud computing
    Hardware-software co-design and reconfigurable computing
    Internet of Things (IoT)
    Operating systems, compilers, programming languages
    Pattern recognition and computer vision
    Power-aware design and computing
    Real-time systems
    System reliability and security
    Software engineering
    Wireless and sensor networks

Communications and Information Technology

    PHY layer wireless solutions, LTE-Advanced, 5G technologies, cloud architectures
    Optical and photonic communications
    Antennas, propagation, and computational electromagnetics
    Microwave theory and techniques, mmWave and sub-THz communication
    Radar, sonar, and remote sensing applications
    Multi-antenna communication systems, massive MIMO, Cloud RAN, distributed antenna systems
    OFDM, multi-carrier modulation, waveform design
    MAC layer design, routing in wireless networks and Cross layer optimization
    Congestion and admission control
    WLAN, WPAN, and other home/personal networking technologies
    Architectures and design of cognitive radio networks
    Security and privacy for mobile and wireless networks, information systems
    Energy efficient design and energy harvesting for Green communications
    Internet-of-Things (IoT), applications, technologies and testbeds
    Software defined networks, network slicing and softwarization
    Wireless sensor, ad hoc, and vehicular networks, mobile social networks
    Fog computing and networking, mobile edge computing
    Visible light communication (VLC) networks
    Localization and ranging techniques for communication applications
    Context and location-aware wireless services and applications, E-health, network data analytics
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for networking and communications
    Satellite and space communications and networking

Electronics, Instrumentation and Bio-medical Engineering

    Industrial electronics and instrumentation
    Biomedical electronics and instrumentation
    Biomedical Sensors
    Medical Devices
    Brain-Machine Interfacing
    Microelectronic design, manufacturing, and integration
    Optoelectronics & photonics
    Power electronic topologies and applications
    Precision instrumentation and measurements
    Nanoelectronic systems, components & devices
    Smart sensors and instrumentation systems
    Automobile electronics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-08-25
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