Conference Information
MetaCom 2025: International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications
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Seoul, South Korea
Viewed: 6553   Tracked: 2   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
IEEE MetaCom 2025 provides a forum for academic researchers and industry practitioners to present research progress, exchange new ideas, and identify future directions in the field of Computing, Networking, and Applications for the Metaverse.

Scope and Objectives

The Metaverse, an immersive space supported by AR/VR/XR technologies that integrate pervasive computing, augmented reality, and virtualization, is one of the key enablers for the future society and an extension of today's Internet of Things. It is envisioned to bring a revolution to the digital world that spans areas from retail to defense, and from education to virtual tourism. In the Metaverse, the physical world will be seamlessly integrated with a cyber world through digitized physical objects (digital twins), posing numerous challenges in human-machine interface design, ultra-low latency communication, distributed synchronization, scalable real-time operation, reliability and trustworthiness. New multimodal content will be generated, calling for technologies for content authorship, capture, and multimodal search. Generative AI will be used to enhance virtual experiences that integrate physical and cyber components. The integration will endow objects with new virtual capabilities, allow virtual transformation in space and in time, and enable myriads of new services leveraging the combined affordances of pervasive computing and virtual environments. To realize this vision, a convergence of novel computing, networking, and application technologies is needed to support the development and use of Metaverse affordances in a wide range of domains including industry, finance, medical care, smart cities, entertainment, education, and agriculture.

IEEE MetaCom 2025 solicits original submissions from academia, industry, and government on research areas related to Metaverse computing, networking, and corresponding systems and applications. Topics of interest are covered by the following tracks.

Track 1: Metaverse Computing, Architectures, and Applications

    Metaverse architectural and system design
    Digital twin modeling and rendering
    Animations and physical world simulations
    Model evolution, composition and library
    Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, extended reality
    Holographic applications
    Design and implementation of Metaverse applications
    Measurement studies of real-world platforms
    Metaverse scalability and interoperability
    Computational offloading in the Metaverse
    Metaverse data streaming and storage

Track 2: Networking and Communications

    Network architectures and design principles for metaverse
    Routing metrics and algorithms
    Rendezvous services for metaverse
    Resource control and allocation
    Network management
    Interactions between cyber and physical spaces
    Data center communications for metaverse
    Decentralized communications for metaverse
    Ultra-low-time communications for metaverse
    Green communications for metaverse
    B5G/6G for metaverse applications

Track 3: AI for the Metaverse

    Distributed AI/ML for Metaverse resource management and applications
    Deep reinforcement learning for the Metaverse
    Federated Learning for the Metaverse
    Distributed model inference for the Metaverse
    Large language models for the Metaverse
    Stable diffusion models for the Metaverse
    Graph neural networks for the Metaverse
    Vision tasks in the Metaverse

Track 4: Blockchain and Web 3.0

    Zero-trust architecture and protocol design for blockchain and web3.0
    Incentive and consensus mechanisms for blockchain and web3.0
    Identity Management System for blockchain and web3.0
    Distributed storage, identifiers, and data verification in blockchain and web3.0
    Fundamental limits and theoretical guidance for blockchain and web3.0
    Emerging technologies for blockchain and web3.0
    Hardware and infrastructure implementation for blockchain and web3.0
    Smart contract and chain code
    NFT applications and protocols
    Semantic computing and services in blockchain and web3.0
    Blockchain and web3.0 applications

Track 5: Security, Privacy, and Trust

    Security, privacy, and/or trust frameworks for metaverse
    Secure protocols for dynamic IoT networks and metaverse
    Privacy mitigation techniques for IoT-enabled extended reality for metaverse
    Secure data sharing and integration mechanisms across extended IoT networks for metaverse
    Trust issues to address AI/ML techniques in metaverse
    Security, privacy, and trust in the context of the metaverse
    New cryptographic technologies for metaverse
    Data security and governance
    Privacy-preserving technologies
    Policy and regulation compliance
    Trust management framework
    ID management, authentication, and authorization
    Accountability for metaverse
    Zero-knowledge proof for metaverse
    Zero-trust architecture for metaverse

Track 6: Testbeds, Experiments, Use-Cases, and Evaluation

    Theoretical investigations on metaverse
    Optimization, game theory, incentive designs
    AI (e.g., machine/deep learning) experiments for metaverse
    Simulators, testbeds, prototypes
    Implementations, and field experiments
    Verification of the existing knowledge
    Performance evaluation and modeling
    Quality of service and quality of experience
    Standardizations for metaverse
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-12-09
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