KDML 2021: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning
http://www.kdml2021.net/截稿日期: |
2021-11-30 Extended |
通知日期: |
2021-12-10 |
会议日期: |
2021-12-22 |
会议地点: |
Sanya, China |
届数: |
1 |
浏览: 8752 关注: 8 参加: 0
中文: 2021年知识发现和机器学习国际会议(KDML 2021)-EI 和Scopus 2021 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning(KDML 2021) 三亚,中国 12月22日-24日,2021年 http://www.kdml2021.net/ ◆大会信息 2021年知识发现和机器学习国际会议将于2021年12月22日至24日在中国三亚召开,本会议主要围绕“知识发现和机器学习”的最新研究领域而展开,致力于促进世界顶尖创新者、科学家、学者、研究人员和思想领导者之间的交流和探讨,促进知识发现和机器学习领域的发展,在会议的这三天里,您将有机会聆听到前沿的学术报告,见证该领域的成果与进步。 ◆论文出版和检索 KDML 2021 会议论文集由ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8505-3) 出版,收录在 ACM Digital Library 中,并被EI Compendex,Scopus, CNKI 等检索 ◆大会主题包括但不限于 知识表示和建模 知识维护;知识征询 基于知识的系统 专家系统或决策支持系统 内容管理和知识管理系统 工作流管理系统 业务流程再设计 本体工程(建模、映射、集成 数据挖掘和知识发现 自然语言处理(更多主题请见官网http://www.kdml2021.net/Topics.html) ◆专家报告: 林一平教授,美国科学促进会院士、ACM院士、IEEE院士和IET院士, 国立阳明交通大学。 他是经济部、教育部、交通部等多个政府机构的顾问委员会或审查委员会成员。他是美国科学促进会院士、ACM院士、IEEE院士和IET院士。 刘晓东教授,智能驱动软件工程研究组组长,英国爱丁堡纳皮尔大学 他目前领导着爱丁堡纳皮尔大学SoC的软件系统研究小组。他曾是信息与软件系统中心的主任。 Jixin Ma教授,计算机和计算科学中心主任,英国格林威治大学 他是计算机和计算科学中心的主任,也是学院博士/硕士项目的主任。马博士也是北京师范大学、奥慧大学、郑州轻工业大学和澳门城市大学的客座教授。 Feng-Jen Yang副教授,美国佛罗里达理工大学 他的研究领域包括人工智能、机器学习、专家系统和模拟生物智能。他还曾获得ACM SIGCSE的研究资助和佛罗里达理工大学的种子资助 Kin-Choong Yow副教授,University of Regina,加拿大 Kin-Choong Yow研究兴趣是人工通用智能和智能环境。人工通用智能(AGI)是机器智能(或人工智能)的更高形式,其中智能代理(或机器)能够成功地完成人类能够完成的任何智力任务。 ◆提交论文 1. 通过CMT提交PDF版本文章:https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KDML2021 2. 直接将您的文章或摘要投到我们的会议邮箱,我们收到后会第一时间回复您。 投稿邮箱:kdml2021@163.com 接受/拒稿通知:论文投稿后1-2周 若您有任何投稿方面的疑问,可随时联系我们。 ◆投稿说明 1. 本会议官方语言为英语,投稿者务必用英语撰写论文。 2. 稿件应为原创作品,未在国内外刊物上发表过, 不接受一稿多投。 作者可通过Cnki, CrossCheck, Turnitin或其他查询系统查重,否则由文章重复率引起的被拒搞将由作者自行承担责任。涉嫌抄袭的论文将不被出版,且公布在会议主页。 3. 请根据格式模板文件编辑您的文章(Ms word) 4. 文章不能少于模板8页(单栏)。学生作者、老作者或多篇投稿有优惠。 5. 只做报告不发表论文的作者只需提交摘要。 ◆联系方式 会议官网:http://www.kdml2021.net/ 邮箱:kdml2021@163.com QQ咨询:1455341287 电话:+852 56144331 English: ACM-2021 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning (KDML 2021) Sanya, China December 22nd-24th, 2021 http://www.kdml2021.net/ 2021 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning (KDML 2021) will be held in Sanya, China during December 22-24, 2021. KDML 2021 will bring together an international community of experts to discuss the state-of-the-art for new research results, perspectives of future developments, and innovative applications relevant to Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning. Topics: Knowledge Representation and Modeling Knowledge Maintenance; Knowledge Elicitation Knowledge-Based Systems Expert Systems or Decision Support Systems Content Management and Knowledge Management Systems Workflow Management Systems Business Process Reengineering Ontology Engineering (Modeling, Mapping, Integration) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Natural Language Processing (For more topics: http://www.kdml2021.net/Topics.html) Paper Publication: All accepted papers after proper registration will be included in Conference Proceedings, published by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-8505-3), archived in ACM Digital Library, and will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. KDML 2021 Speakers: Prof. Yi-Bing Lin, AAS Fellow, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and IET Fellow Winbond Chair Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Prof. Xiaodong Liu, Head of Intelligence-Driven Software Engineering Research Group Edinburgh Napier University, UK Prof. Jixin Ma, Director of the Centre for Computer and Computational Science University of Greenwich, U.K Assoc. Prof. Feng-Jen Yang Florida Polytechnic University, USA Assoc. Prof. Kin-Choong Yow University of Regina, Canada Paper Submission (Choose one way to submit your paper): 1. Submission System: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/KDML2021/ 2. Email Submission: kdml2021@163.com You are also welcome to join us as : As Presenter: If you want to share you latest research results by giving presentation without publish papers, please submit your abstract (300-400 words) As Listener: You are also warmly welcomed to take part in KDML 2021 as a listener even though you have no paper to submit. As Reviewer: To ensure the fairness and guarantee the quality of KDML 2021, we cordially invite experts and scholars join us as a reviewer. Contact us: Conference Secretary: Ms. Caroline Li Email: kdml2021@163.com Tel: +852 56144331 Website: http://www.kdml2021.net/
最后更新 Mauro Peart 在 2021-11-01
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | 简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 通知日期 | 会议日期 |
a | a* | a1 | KDD | ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2025-02-01 | 2025-05-16 | 2025-08-03 |
EI | IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging | 2019-09-30 | 2020-01-26 | ||||
IECC | International Electronics Communication Conference | 2022-02-28 | 2022-03-20 | 2022-07-08 | |||
MIX-AI | MIX Summit and Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 2018-03-16 | 2018-04-20 | 2018-07-24 | |||
IWPR | International Workshop on Pattern Recognition | 2025-02-20 | 2025-03-20 | 2025-06-13 | |||
DKMP | International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process | 2023-03-04 | 2023-03-11 | 2023-03-18 | |||
c | a | PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2024-11-30 | 2025-01-25 | 2025-06-10 | |
ICECET | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies | 2025-02-02 | 2025-04-15 | 2025-07-03 | |||
b4 | HVC | Haifa Verification Conference | 2016-07-14 | 2016-09-05 | 2016-11-14 | ||
CTCM | International Conference of Control Theory and Computer Modelling | 2023-10-07 | 2023-10-14 | 2023-10-28 |
简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 会议日期 |
KDD | ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2025-02-01 | 2025-08-03 |
EI | IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging | 2019-09-30 | 2020-01-26 |
IECC | International Electronics Communication Conference | 2022-02-28 | 2022-07-08 |
MIX-AI | MIX Summit and Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | 2018-03-16 | 2018-07-24 |
IWPR | International Workshop on Pattern Recognition | 2025-02-20 | 2025-06-13 |
DKMP | International Conference on Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process | 2023-03-04 | 2023-03-18 |
PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2024-11-30 | 2025-06-10 |
ICECET | International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies | 2025-02-02 | 2025-07-03 |
HVC | Haifa Verification Conference | 2016-07-14 | 2016-11-14 |
CTCM | International Conference of Control Theory and Computer Modelling | 2023-10-07 | 2023-10-28 |
CCF | 全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 | ISSN |
Networking Science | Springer | 2076-0310 | ||
Cryptography and Communications | 1.200 | Springer | 1936-2447 | |
Journal of Management Information Systems | 7.700 | Myron E. Sharpe | 0742-1222 | |
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems | Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems | 1598-2645 | ||
b | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 2.700 | ACM | 0098-3500 |
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems | AIRCC | 2229-3957 | ||
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization | 1.300 | Taylor & Francis | 2168-1163 | |
International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications | AIRCC | 2229-3949 | ||
Molecular Simulation | 1.900 | Taylor & Francis | 0892-7022 | |
Complexity | 1.700 | Hindawi | 1076-2787 |
全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 |
Networking Science | Springer | |
Cryptography and Communications | 1.200 | Springer |
Journal of Management Information Systems | 7.700 | Myron E. Sharpe |
International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems | Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems | |
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | 2.700 | ACM |
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems | AIRCC | |
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization | 1.300 | Taylor & Francis |
International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications | AIRCC | |
Molecular Simulation | 1.900 | Taylor & Francis |
Complexity | 1.700 | Hindawi |