Información de la conferencia
Mobility IoT 2021: EAI International Conference on Mobility, IoT and Smart Cities
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Vistas: 7728   Seguidores: 1   Asistentes: 1

Solicitud de Artículos

    Topic Scope – Technological Innovations

    Internet of Things, Internet of Everything
    Creative Technologies
    Intelligent transport systems
    Technical Advances creative companies
    Challenges of IoT to Cybersecurity
    Engineering secure IoT systems
    IoT impact on Critical Infrastructures

    Topic Scope – Industry 4.0

    Economics and Management 4.0
    New business models and smart services
    Innovation management
    Smart Factory (Factory of the Future)
    Robotics and Automatization
    Smart Sensors
    Smart Logistics
    Networks of Factories

    Topic Scope – Urban mobility

    Automotive industry, new players, new structure and trends
    Smart cities and infrastructure
    Intelligent urban transport systems
    E-mobility and e-charging station network
    Connected cars
    Autonomus cars
    ICT in the car

    Topic Scope – Social mobility

    Social networks and communities
    Social marketing and innovation in social areas
    Career development and new types of jobs
    Working environment
    Employee healthcare
    Socio-economic trends
    Work models, Support programs, Financial systems

    Topic Scope – Sustainability

    Sustainable energy sources and materials
    Environment and climate resilient future
    Green technologies
    Sustainable cities and communities
    Responsible production and consumption
    Reducing inequality and gender issue
    Local and regional planning
    Innovation management toward sustainability in healthcare
    Sustainability of manufacturing within IoT
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2021-06-05
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ACM Computing Surveys23.80ACM0360-0300
cACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems3.600ACM2160-6455
Nombre CompletoFactor de ImpactoEditor
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data4.000ACM
Journal of Manufacturing Systems12.20Elsevier
Journal of Smart Environments and Green ComputingOAE Publishing Inc.
Future Internet2.800MDPI
Cybernetics and PhysicsIPME RAS
Human TechnologyUniversity of Jyvaskyla
Computational Statistics1.000Springer
Journal of Process Control3.300Elsevier
ACM Computing Surveys23.80ACM
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems3.600ACM