Conference Information
SCS 2019: Smart Cities Symposium
Submission Date:
2019-02-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Zallaq, Bahrain
Viewed: 7824   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

    Promoting Concept of Smart Cities within Bahrain/Region.
    Showing Abilities to be Engaged with Cities Modern Directions.
    Placing Kingdom of Bahrain over Maps of Smart Cities.
    Starting Smart Cities Research Oriented Topics and Projects at UOB.
    Creating Links, locally, Regionally and Internationally
    Creating a House of Experts at UOB.
    Solving Locally Needed Projected  and Related Issues.
    Bring together stakeholders and experts, which will help and support capacity building in smart cities.
    Bring together Academia and Industry Experts to Express their views on the Development of Smart Cities and how Smart Technology can be used to improve Lives of People.
    Create a Network with Industry Experts and Professionals that will help in Funding Solutions for the Common Challenges in Building Smart Cities.


    Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Cities
    Healthcare Services within Smart Cities
    Cyber Security for Healthcare Devices
    Block Chain and Smart Cities 
    Securing Smart City Network Infrastructure
    Consumer IoT and Security
    Data and Device Security for Smart Cities
    AI for IoT Security


    Unfolding [layered] envelopes to future [cyber-sociology-technical] crucibles
    Smart Cities (platforms)
    Cognitive Habitats ([focal-to-systemic-interference-]leveraging capabilities
    Cognitive Societies (World - Cognitions (i.e. ever-advancing crucibles of full-spectrum of life), and outcomes


    Smart Cities Cyber Physical Infrastructures.
    Smart Homes, Smart Hospitals, ... Smart Campuses, ...
    Developing a Robust and Responsive Sensor Network.
    Green Computing, Big Data, and Analysis.
    Energy & Smart Grids.
    Smart Transportation System.
    IOT ... and Smart Applications.
    High-Performance Networking Using Visible Light.
    Lost and Unaccounted Natural Gas.
    Cyber Attacks.
    Smart light System.
    New Technologies for Smart Environment.
    Mobile Crowd-sourcing for Smart Cities.
    Interactive Architecture.
    Virtual & Augmented Realities.
    Smart Urban Planning, & Design Solutions.
    Technology Enabled Homes and Interiors.
    Robots Capabilities in Smart Cities.
    Infrastructure in Smart Cities.
    Quantum Information & Technologies
    Technology Enabled Homes & Interiors.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-29
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