Conference Information
SEE 2022: International Symposium on Energy Economy
Submission Date:
2022-06-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shanghai, China
Viewed: 9002   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Energy Demand and Economic growth
Income and wealth effects on energy demand
Demand for mobility fuels in a growing economy
Electricity demand and economic growth
Impacts of fiscal and monetary policy on energy demand
Economic Forecasting model relationships, predictions and results
Energy supply and economic growth
Low cost energy and economic welfare
Energy sector contribution to economic growth 
Optimal policy towards energy supply
Policy constraints on fossil fuels and the macroeconomy
Impacts of energy shocks on post-industrial economies 
Financial markets and energy markets
Energy firm participation in financial markets
Integration of financial and real energy markets
Optimal policy framework for financial energy markets 
Energy and the Environment
Impacts of growing energy demand on the environment 
Relationship between environmental improvement and energy demand
Climate policy and energy markets
Struggling carbon markets: EU ETS and WCI
Non-fossil fuel energy: renewables & nuclear 
Economics of wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower
Impacts of renewable portfolio standards
Future of nuclear energy
International Energy Markets
Sources of international supply and demand growth
North American supply and demand
Development of international energy infrastructure (pipelines & transmission lines)
Energy market integration
Last updated by Crystal Zhang in 2021-11-19
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