PARC 2020: International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control
Mathura, India
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We are pleased to announce that the International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and its Control (PARC 2020) is being held at GLA University, Mathura, India from 28th – 29th February, 020.
PARC 2020 is being organized under the aegis/ patronage of IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section. PARC 2020 aims to provide a platform for academicians, researchers and industrial participants alike to discuss the emerging trends and issues in grid interactive power converters, grid integration of renewable energy and IoT analytics in renewable energy sector.
The conference is also listed on IEEE website

Tracks/Sub Tracks for PARC 2020

The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

    Emerging Technologies in Power Electronics
    Power Converter Topologies and Design
    Multilevel and High-Power converters
    Grid-Interactive Power Converters
    Power electronics in HVDC, HVAC, and FACTS
    Emerging power electronic based power systems
    Ancillary services through grid-interfacing power converters
    Energy Storage technologies
    Metering, Monitoring and Protection
    Power electronics in Transmission and Distribution Systems
    Standard and advanced control techniques for power converters
    Control of multi-machines/multi-converters
    Management of distributed systems
    Computational intelligence in control systems
    Measurements Techniques
    Wireless control
    Renewable Energy Systems
    Renewables Penetration
    Distributed Generation and its Protection
    Grid integration of renewable energy systems
    Standalone and grid connected systems
    Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems
    IoT Technology in the Energy Sector
    Next Generation IoT
    IoT Devices/Applications
    Big data analytics in Energy Sector
    IoT Security
    Smart Metering
    Smart Cities – Buildings, Home Automation
    Electric Vehicles Charging stations
    Electric Vehicle Propulsion Systems and Their Energy Storage
    Data Analysis Challenges in the Future energy market
    Cloud analytics for Internet of Things (IoT)
    Energy Internet
    IoT applications in renewable sector
    Control of power electronics converters
    Harmonics and harmonic stability in renewable based power plants
    Control Techniques for Renewable Energy Systems
    Future Challenges and Directions for Renewable Energy Systems
    Electrical Machines and Drive Systems
    Data analysis applied to Power Electronics and drives systems
    Application of AI to Power Electronics and drives systems
    Application of control methods to electrical systems

Submission & Publication

Prospective authors are invited to contribute high quality papers (4 – 6 pages) to PARC 2020 through the online submission system (EasyChair) in IEEE format. For more details please visit http://gla.ac.in/parc2020/
Paper Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=parc2020
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.
At least one author must register and present the work at the conference for it to be included on IEEE Xplore. 
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2020-01-14
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