Conference Information
WCCCT 2025: World Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies
Submission Date:
2025-03-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shenzhen, China
Viewed: 12232   Tracked: 11   Attend: 6

Call For Papers
WCCCT 2025 will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Computing and Communication Technologies.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

- TRACK 1: Computing and Information Security -

Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Cloud Computing
Computational Algorithms
Hybrid Models and Fuzzy Systems
Data Mining
Machine Learning
Meta Heuristics and Swarm Intelligence
Neuro Fuzzy System
Self Organizing Maps
Soft Computing
Support Vector Machine
High Performance Computing
Parallel Processing
Distributed Data Systems
Big data & Data Analytics
Multicore and Cluster Computing
loT Security & Privacy
Mobile Platform & Application Security
Computer & Software Security
Cyber Crime
Secure Application Development
Security for Emerging Networks
Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
Securing IT System and Processes
Email and Web Security
Identity & Access Management

- TRACK 2: Parallel Computing and Edge Computing -

Distributed Computation and Data Management in Sensor Network Applications
Edge and Fog Computing for Smart Environments
Mobile Edge Computing for Smart Environments
Optimization, Control, and Automation of Edge and Cloud Computing
Computing Continuum from Clouds to Edges
Sustainable and Smart Edge Systems
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Sensor Network Applications
Edge Intelligence in Smart Home, Smart buildings, and Smart Cities
Parallel and Edge Computing for Smart Manufacturing
Novel Applications, Experiences, and Field Trials with Parallel and Edge Computing
Parallel and Distributed System Architectures
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Web Services and Internet Computing
Grid and Cluster Computing
Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing & Intelligence
Distributed AI and Soft/Natural Computing
Power-Efficient and Green Computing Systems
Multi-access Edge Computing
Parallel and Distributed Computing for AI
Security for Cloud and Edge Computing

- TRACK 3: High Performance Computing and Machine Learning -

Fault Tolerance and Resilience in HPC Systems
Benchmarking and Performance Assessment in HPC
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Scale
Machine Learning on GPUs, TPUs, CPUs
Deep Learning Techniques
Machine Learning in Robotics and Automation
Open Source Tools for Artificial Intelligence
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Ubiquitous Computing, Services and Applications (UCSA)
Artificial Neural Networks
Support Vector Machine
Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Neural Network
K-nearest Neighbor
Linear Regression
Canonical Correlation Analysis

- TRACK 4: Communication Integrated Circuit Design -

Audio Subsystem Chip
the Fundamentals of RFIC Design for Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless Transceiver IC Designs
Radio-frequency Integrated Circuit
Micro/nano Satellite Integrated Electronic Technology
Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications
RF/millimeter-wave/terahertz Integrated Circuits Design for Imaging, Sensing, and Wireless Communications
Integrated Transceivers in CMOS Technology
Design of Microwave / millimeter Wave Filter
Design of Voltage Controlled Oscillator
Power Amplifier Design
Design of New Generation Beidou Series IC

- TRACK 5: Wireless Communication Technology and Intelligent Communication Network -

High Performance Computing and Machine Learning
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
Cluster and Grid Computing
Virtualization and Virtual Machines
Learning and Intelligence Algorithms
Federated Learning
Cloud Computing for Sensor Data Processing
Big Data Technologies, Frameworks, Systems, and Platforms for Parallel Computing
Edge Computing in Sensor Networks
Energy-efficient Computation, Communication, and Caching at the Edge
Edge Intelligence in Energy-efficient Internet of Things
Resource Management in Edge and Cloud Computing
Computational Models of Social Phenomena
Social Network Analysis
Security, Privacy, Trust in Social Contexts
Social Recommendation
New Theories, Methods, and Objectives in Computational Social Science
Intelligent Applications of Social Computing in Public Health, Sustainability, Environment, Equality, Justice, Education, Cultural Heritage, Peace, Economics, Public Welfare, etc
Data Security & Privacy
Network Security
Security and Privacy of Systems based on Machine Learning and Al
Cloud Security
Security for Cloud and Edge Computing
Satellite Communication
Wireless Channels and Cellular Networks
5G/6G Technology
Satellite Navigation and Space Communication
Mobile Sensing and Applications
Intelligent Reflecting Surface
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Intelligent Wireless Communications
Intelligent Network Services 
Intelligent Network Architecture
Virtual Networks and Artificial Intelligence
Computation and Caching Resources for 6G Wireless Systems
AI-based Network Design and Resource Allocation for Wireless Systems
Analog Integrated Circuit
Digital Integrated Circuit
low-cost Radio-frequency Integrated Circuit
Modeling and Design of Communication Integrated Circuit
Smart IC Design Techniques for Wireless Communications
Microwave / millimeter Wave Antenna Design

- TRACK 6: Social Computing -

Social Behavior
Semantic Web
Collective Intelligence
Social Influence and Social Contagions
Quantifying Offline Phenomena through Online Data
Forecasting of Social Phenomena
Science and Technology Studies Approaches to Computational Social Science
Social Media and Health Behaviors
Social Psychology and Personality
Last updated by Dunn Carl in 2024-12-27
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