Conference Information
ICBDACI 2019: International Conference on Big Data Analytics And Computational Intelligence
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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Viewed: 7439   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICBDACI 2019 invites a proposal to organize a special session. Below is the list of special session you may wish to choose or if you have something new to propose,

please send email to:

Computational Intelligence in Feature Analysis, Selection, and Learning in Image and Pattern Recognition

    Neural networks for feature analysis
    Fuzzy systems for feature analysis 
    Hybridization of evolutionary computation and neural networks, and fuzzy systems for feature selection and construction
    Hybridization of evolutionary computation and machine learning, information theory, statistics, mathematical modelling, etc., for feature analysis
    Feature analysis in classification, clustering, regression,  image analysis, signal processing, and other tasks
    Feature ranking/weighting
    Feature selection
    Feature construction/extraction
    Multi-objective feature selection, construction or extraction
    Feature analysis on high-dimensional and large-scale data
    Analysis on computational intelligence for feature selection and construction/extraction algorithms
    Evolutionary computation for feature analysis

Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems

    Automated driving and driverless car
    Learning and adaptive Control
    Object recognitions such as pedestrian detection, traffic sign detection and recognition
    Route guidance systems
    Trip modeling and driver speed prediction
    Vehicle energy management and optimization in hybrid vehicles
    Advanced transportation information and communication systems
    Cloud computing and big data in transportation and vehicle systems
    Multimodal intelligent transport systems and services
    Personalized driver and traveler support systems
    Simulation and forecasting models
    Connected vehicles of the future.
    Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management
    Advanced Transportation Management
    Collision detection and avoidance
    vehicle communications and connectivity
    Driver state detection and monitoring
    Driver assistance and automation systems
    Vehicle fault diagnostics and health monitoring

Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics

    Big Data Finance & Economics
    Intelligent Trading Agents
    Trading Room Simulation
    Time Series Analysis
    Financial Data Mining
    Rules and XBRL for Financial Engineering Applications
    Semantic Web and Linked Data for Computer & Engineering Applications & Models
    Risk Management
    Pricing of Structured Securities
    Asset Allocation
    Trading Systems
    Risk Arbitrage
    Behavioral Finance
    Exotic Options
    Portfolio Optimization
    Front/Back Office Operations
    Agent-based Computational Economics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-05-12
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