Conference Information
DSCI 2024: IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Computational Intelligence
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Chengdu, China
Viewed: 15754   Tracked: 6   Attend: 4

Call For Papers
The 7th International Conference on Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DSCI-2024) is especially dedicated to the celebration of the 67th anniversary of Artificial Intelligence. Aiming at creating computers and computer software capacity of intelligent behaviour, many amusing achievements throughout the past 66 years' journey have been made, including the recent AlphaGo, a.k.a, the Deep Reinforcement Learning, an intelligent computer program that beat Lee Sedol, a 9-dan professional player in a five-game match of Go. Such a task was considered as an impossible mission in only a decade ago. As we enter the big data era, Web Intelligence has extended and made use of Artificial Intelligence for new products, services and frameworks that are empowered by the World Wide Web. DSCI-2024 aims to identify the challenging problems faced by the development of innovative knowledge and information systems, and to shape future research directions through the publication of high quality, theoretical and applied research outcomes. DSCI-2024 is going to highlight the advances in frontiers and applications of general areas such as big data, artificial intelligence, social computing, data mining, information retrieval, and machine learning. DSCI is uniquely placed to deliver fresh perspectives on data science.

DSCI-2024 is planned to be hosted in Chengdu, China. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Scope and Topics

Track 1: Data Science Theory, Algorithms and Architectures

    Foundations of Data Science
    Programming Techniques
    Analytics and Metrics
    Representation Formats
    Cloud Computing Techniques
    Mobile and Pervasive Computing
    Data Management
    Data Quality
    Social Computing
    Social Network Analysis
    Protection, Integrity and Privacy
    Distributed Data Mining

Track 2: Data Science Applications

    Web Intelligence
    Stock Market Analysis
    Scalable Cloud Data Management
    Privacy and Security
    Manufacturing and Supply Chains
    Earth Science
    Biomedical Informatics
    High dimensional data
    Social Networks
    B2B Marketing and Sales
    Sustainable development
    Advanced Manufacturing

Track 3: Computational Intelligence for Big Data Processing

    Artificial Neural Networks and Learning methods
    Deep Learning
    Knowledge based systems
    Uncertainty management
    Global optimization methods
    Intelligent Control Systems
    Intelligent Internet Systems
    Intelligent Software Systems
    Parallel Computation
    Pattern Recognition
    Systems Modelling
    Web Mining

Track 4: Data Mining and Applications

    Parallel and distributed data mining algorithms
    Data streams mining
    Time-series data mining
    Graph mining
    Spatial data mining
    Text video, multimedia data mining
    Web mining
    Pre-processing techniques
    Security and information hiding in data mining
    Data mining applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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