TFP 2020: Trends in Functional Programming
http://www.cse.chalmers.se/~rjmh/tfp/截稿日期: |
2019-11-15 |
通知日期: |
会议日期: |
2020-02-13 |
会议地点: |
Krakow, Poland |
届数: |
21 |
浏览: 7284 关注: 0 参加: 0
The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various routes. As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore identify the following five article categories. High-quality articles are solicited in any of these categories: Research Articles: Leading-edge, previously unpublished research work; Position Articles: On what new trends should or should not be; Project Articles: Descriptions of recently started new projects; Evaluation Articles: What lessons can be drawn from a finished project; Overview Articles: Summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject. Articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted for publication to any other forum. They may consider any aspect of functional programming: theoretical, implementation-oriented, or experience-oriented. Applications of functional programming techniques to other languages are also within the scope of the symposium. Topics suitable for the symposium include, but are not limited to: Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing Functional programming in the cloud High performance functional computing Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs Dependently typed functional programming Validation and verification of functional programs Debugging and profiling for functional languages Functional programming in different application areas: security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded systems, global computing, grids, etc. Interoperability with imperative programming languages Novel memory management techniques Program analysis and transformation techniques Empirical performance studies Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages (Embedded) domain specific languages New implementation strategies Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2020-04-01
简称 | 全称 | 截稿日期 | 会议日期 |
ICFP | ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming | 2025-02-27 | 2025-10-12 |
JTRES | International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems | 2016-06-12 | 2016-08-29 |
COLT | Annual Conference on Learning Theory | 2025-02-06 | 2025-06-30 |
ICSR | International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse | 2024-12-03 | 2025-04-27 |
ESOP | European Symposium on Programming | 2024-10-10 | 2025-05-03 |
GISTAM | International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management | 2015-12-10 | 2016-04-26 |
ICFNDS | International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems | 2019-05-15 | 2019-07-01 |
DIKW-RA | Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom Research and Applications Conference | 2021-08-30 | 2021-12-17 |
IWDW | International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking | 2016-06-30 | 2016-09-17 |
MFPS | International Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics | 2015-04-03 | 2015-06-22 |
CCF | 全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 | ISSN |
Image Processing On Line | IPOL | 2105-1232 | ||
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | 2576-3180 | ||
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | 14.00 | IEEE | 2379-8858 | |
b | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | 5.900 | IEEE | 1545-5955 |
Spatial Statistics | 2.100 | Elsevier | 2211-6753 | |
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice | 1.700 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 2047-7481 | |
Nano Communication Networks | 2.900 | Elsevier | 1878-7789 | |
Personalized Medicine Universe | Elsevier | 2186-4950 | ||
Combinatorica | 1.000 | Springer | 0209-9683 | |
Journal of Object Technology | EtH Zurich | 1660-1769 |
全称 | 影响因子 | 出版商 |
Image Processing On Line | IPOL | |
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | 14.00 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | 5.900 | IEEE |
Spatial Statistics | 2.100 | Elsevier |
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice | 1.700 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
Nano Communication Networks | 2.900 | Elsevier |
Personalized Medicine Universe | Elsevier | |
Combinatorica | 1.000 | Springer |
Journal of Object Technology | EtH Zurich |