BDAI' 2021: International Conference on Industrial Applications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
Wuhan, China
閲覧: 10042   追跡: 7   出席: 0

BDAI 2021 is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world.

AI, Machine Learning and Big Data

AI Algorithms,
Artificial Intelligence tools & Applications, Bioinformatics, 
Natural Language Processing,
CAD Design & Testing, 
Computer Vision and Speech Understanding,
Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools,
Fuzzy Logic, 
Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools, Computational Theories of Learning, 
Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 
Information Retrieval,
Intelligent System Architectures, 
Performance optimization of machine learning algorithms,
Programming models and tools for machine learning,
Machine learning model compression algorithms,
Hardware-aware machine learning model synthesis,
Power-efficient algorithms for machine learning,
Specialized hardware architecture for machine learning,
Machine learning based performance tuning,
Machine learning based compiler techniques,
Machine learning based power efficient algorithms.

Data Science for Bio-based Production

Knowledge management, 
Big data governance, 
Data- and prosperity-driven innovation, 
Smart tourism, 
Productivity 4.0, 
Industry 4.0, 
Manufacturing 4.0, 
Semantic mapping, 
Exponential leadership, 
Software robots, 
Wearable technology, 
Wisdom governance, 
Management revolution, 
Science as evidence, 
Organisational agility, 
Next generation enterprise, 
Floppy drones, 
Smart education, 
Solving the climate change, 
Smart agriculture, 
Ethics in artificial intelligence, 
Cyber attacks and cyber neutrality, 
Industrial Internet of Things. 
Blockchain technology 

Industry 4.0 & Robotics

Additive Manufacturing,
The Digital Twin of Production,
Industrial Biotechnology.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2020-12-17
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
bSoftware Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd1099-1689
bInformation and Software Technology3.800Elsevier0950-5849
cJournal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier1532-0464
aACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization1.500ACM1544-3566
Natural Language Processing ResearchAtlantis Press2666-0512
Security InformaticsSpringer2190-8532
Human-centric Computing and Information SciencesSpringer2192-1962
bJournal of Web Semantics2.100Elsevier1570-8268
bWorld Wide Web2.700Springer1386-145X
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability1.500John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Information and Software Technology3.800Elsevier
Journal of Biomedical Informatics4.000Elsevier
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization1.500ACM
Natural Language Processing ResearchAtlantis Press
Security InformaticsSpringer
Human-centric Computing and Information SciencesSpringer
Journal of Web Semantics2.100Elsevier
World Wide Web2.700Springer